Version: (using KDE 4.2.0) Installed from: Gentoo Packages It seems there is some problem with knotify4 - process is running, configuration works fine, but notifications don't work. When trying to diagnose using dbus-monitor I found that when some event is processed and notification is passed dbus generates something like this: error sender=:1.9 -> dest=:1.8 error_name=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod reply_serial=580 string "No such method 'event' in interface 'org.kde.KNotify' at object path '/Notify' (signature 'sssayasx')"
Would you like to check the trunk version too?
Well... I could, but I would probably have to recompile half of what's considered stable KDE to the trunk version... And I've been waiting for some time for the Gentoo devs to add it to the official tree I wouldn't like to break anything now. I'll take a look at the Gentoo's kde-testing overlay to find out if there is any way to install single package from it.
I can confirm the issue - same package versions on Gentoo. However this issue only occurred after bumping qt to 4.5.0_rc1
Ok. I've downgraded Qt Back to 4.4.2, recompiled KDE and the problem is gone for now.
This bug has been fixed in KDE 4.2.1
kde developers, you are the best
Does someone know the commit that fixed this? I'd like to try and backport it to 4.2.0.