Version: 0.2.0-rc2 (using KDE 4.2.0) OS: Linux Installed from: Mandriva RPMs Albums containing letters with accent, for example an acute accent, are not correctly displayed. For example, an "è" appears as "è". Moreover, creating an album with an accent via galleryexport doesn't work properly.
i can't reproduce on latest mandriva packages. Maybe i do it wrong, can you explain how to reproduce ?
I'm simply connecting to my Gallery with the galleryexport plugin. It is a Gallery 2.3.0 hosted by 1&1. <i> html lang="fr-FR" meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/ </i> In the plugin, albums with accented letters are accessible but their names are not well displayed. I thought it was just a matter of encoding but apparently I'm wrong ... Last these albums were created in Gallery2 and not with the plugin, I don't know if it will help you.
ok i will setup a gallery2 on my PC and try
SVN commit 928655 by adjam: BUG: 184553 Gallery plugin now displays accents properly! M +5 -10 gallerytalker.cpp M +1 -1 gallerywindow.cpp WebSVN link:
Great ! Thank You!