Version: 2.2.0 (using 4.2.00 (KDE 4.2.0), Debian packages) Compiler: cc OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.26-1-amd64 I checked the option in KGet to automatically quit after the files are downloaded. This works fine. However now, if I don't clean the list of completed downloads and I try to open Kget again, it stays open only for a couple of seconds although the downloads were completed during a previous session. Workarounds: 1°) Be very fast to click on Donwloads > Delete all finished 2°) Download a big file and change your settings
After a quick search in the SVN, I think the problem might come from the file Kget.cpp, in the function void TransferFinishedObserver::checkAndFinish(). There is a loop: foreach(TransferGroup *transferGroup, KGet::m_transferTreeModel->transferGroups()) { foreach(TransferHandler *transfer, transferGroup->handler()->transfers()) { if(transfer->status() != Job::Finished) { quitFlag = false; } } } I think in this loop, there should be an additional check to check whether the download was finished in a previous session or not.
SVN commit 956021 by lappelhans: Fix kget closing when all downloads are finished Patch by Nikhil Marathe... BUG:184127 M +6 -0 job.cpp M +5 -0 job.h M +2 -0 transfer.cpp M +20 -0 transferhandler.cpp M +1 -0 transferhandler.h WebSVN link: