Version: unknown (using 4.2.00 (KDE 4.2.0), Kubuntu packages) Compiler: cc OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.27-11-generic The kickoff button is on the bottom-left of my screen. When I open up an application submenu (e.g. Graphics), the long vertical back arrow button appears on the left of kickoff to go back to the menu top-level. Clicking on the button works fine except that if you move the cursor as far left as you can go (hitting the screen border), clicking does not click the button. Clicking here should work too and means you can get away with being less accurate when clicking i.e. Fitt's law.
I confirm this on KDE 4.2.0. In KDE 4.1 and KDE 4.0 it works great, the back button should work when we click the mouse at the left of screen. See this thread for picture:
fixed in 4.3