Bug 183649 - konsole keyboard input dies when opening new tab/window
Summary: konsole keyboard input dies when opening new tab/window
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
: 186094 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2009-02-08 03:20 UTC by Jason
Modified: 2015-07-05 11:29 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

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this is my konsole deps in Gentoo (26.28 KB, text/plain)
2009-04-09 03:38 UTC, Qing Lei
log (617.42 KB, application/octet-stream)
2010-01-16 15:02 UTC, tropikhajma

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Description Jason 2009-02-08 03:20:30 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.0)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs

Keyboard input soley for konsole goes away (it is actually buffered and goes to whichever konsole terminal actually owns the keyboard and will show up when you select that terminal and type something).  All konsole windows will not accept keyboard input until the terminal owning the keyboard is found and typed into (doesn't update graphically until keypress).
-mouse works fine
-pasting from mouse also works fine (xinput and paste from right-click menu)
-short cuts stop working

Behavior gets undefined if you close the owning konsole window although there are no hard-crashes.

Steps to reproduce:
open a new terminal (timing and maybe system load has some impact= suggest this is a race condition) and I use keybindings to create the new tabs/windows) quickly quite often and start typing immediately.  Note that this bug will not happen every time but it happens to me many times daily... high probability of happening when you open new terminals *fast* and you keep typing.
Comment 1 Michal Sylwester 2009-03-01 11:44:10 UTC
I have the same problem with two differences:
- I haven't noticed the input being buffered, it's just lost
- I usually encounter this problem when switching tabs using shift+arrow. The easiest way to reproduce is to quickly switch tabs holding shift and tapping arrow. Konsole often will just stop at one tab and refuse any input. Previous tab in sequence needs to be selected (using mouse) to get input to work again.

Not sure if this is relevant, but I never noticed this when switching tabs using mouse.

Also, high system load seems to increase probability that this problem will occur.
Comment 2 Joe Conway 2009-03-08 17:31:51 UTC
*** Bug 186094 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Qing Lei 2009-04-08 08:56:38 UTC
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Comment 4 Jason 2009-04-08 11:13:49 UTC
This might or might not be relevant but I actually have been having the same problems with firefox windows (I usually have 2-3 opened).  I know this isn't a place for firefox bugs but the behavior is EXACTLY the same as konsole (no other application I have on system seems to do this but otoh, konsole and firefox are about the only things I have opened that have multiple windows w/ text-entry), thus I think it deserves mention in that maybe this is an Xorg/xlib problem or something? Steps to reproduce are the same with the exception that new-tab doesn't seem to trigger e.x. alt-tab a bunch of times.  Input is still buffered until you find the keyboard owner, if you close the owning window, you're screwed, the keystrokes only go to the owning window, shortcuts die, and finally xinput/paste work fine as does other mousely functions.

Also, since reporting this bug I have upgraded to a newer and significantly faster machine.  I rarely encounter the bug within konsole if at all anymore (1 every month?) within in konsole.  I'm also currently, and have been, at kde HEAD from opensuse kde unstable repos with the mozilla:beta repo's firefox 3.1b3.
Comment 5 Qing Lei 2009-04-09 03:38:15 UTC
Created attachment 32713 [details]
this is my konsole deps in Gentoo

I have this problem every day.
Comment 6 Qing Lei 2009-04-10 08:40:13 UTC
another bug of konsole. 
sometime the response of konsole is slow. and after you enter a few characters, konsole auto enter a key; yesterday the key is backspace, and today it is 'j'.
Comment 7 Robert Knight 2009-04-10 22:35:23 UTC
There is a small possibility that it relates to the window manager.  Are you using KWin?  If not, try using KWin as your window manager using:

kwin --replace

If you are already using KWin, I suggest trying a different window manager and let me know if you still experience the problem, eg:

metacity --replace
Comment 8 Jason 2009-04-11 03:54:51 UTC
I use kwin.. I'll try metacity sometime but also I can't test on konsole really since I haven't been getting the problem from it since i moved computers.  Anyone else?
Comment 9 Qing Lei 2009-04-15 09:13:49 UTC
i use kwin too. when i get the problem, `metacity --replace` does not work.
Comment 10 Jason 2009-04-18 16:38:28 UTC
Actually this has now happened to me again on konsole when doing some intensive IO copying and also in konqueror under normal system load. svn 949727.  It looks like it is kwin?  Either that or something in the keyboard/xlib stack.
Comment 11 Jason 2009-04-19 17:45:08 UTC
Still happens when using metacity 2.26 (via metacity --replace) while in a kde session.

Good way to trigger it with firefox (for me): click search bar in one window and test text entry via typing, then control+n a new window up and click it's search bar and start typing.  If the text is entered, close the window (control+w) and repeat at the first step.  It usually only takes me about 5 tries.

This happens with konqueror too but I haven't gotten down the process to trigger it as exactly as with firefox.  So I've ruled out kwin and konsole's fault directly mayhaps.  Which leads to the question of what is causing the bug?
Comment 12 Qing Lei 2009-04-23 09:06:52 UTC
it always happens on kdesvn. dev-util/kdesvn-1.3.0
Comment 13 Jason 2009-04-27 02:25:35 UTC
I believe I found the culprit: scim.

I think switching to scim-bridged fixes it too.  Else purging it from the system.  Haven't had the problem since.

Qing Lei, can you confirm?
Comment 14 Qing Lei 2009-05-04 10:10:38 UTC
I use iBus(http://code.google.com/p/ibus/).
Comment 15 Richard Colley 2009-05-28 08:45:11 UTC
I too have exactly the same problems with konsole.  I added the details of my problems to a similar bug report: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=179448, which may in fact be a duplicate of this.

I'm also an ibus user, but rarely switch input methods in konsole.  So, I don't think this is a scim (only) problem.

I have no problems with firefox.

I'm running:

  Fedora Core 11 (rawhide)
  kernel.i586 0:
  kdebase.i586 6:4.2.2-2.fc11
  kdelibs.i586 6:4.2.2-12.fc11
  qt.i586 1:4.5.0-14.fc11
  firefox.i586 3.5-0.20.beta4.fc11
Comment 16 Richard Colley 2009-07-13 23:50:31 UTC
Just an update to let you know that I haven't yet experienced this problem in FC12 rawhide.  There are other keyboard problems, but this one *seems* to have been resolved.
Comment 17 Richard Colley 2009-07-13 23:56:08 UTC
Sorry, should have also mentioned the versions of other software:

  kernel.i586 2.6.31
  kdebase.i586 4.2.95
  kdelibs.i586 4.2.95
  qt.i586 4.5.2
  ibus.i586 1.2.0
Comment 18 tropikhajma 2010-01-16 15:02:48 UTC
Created attachment 39944 [details]

I'm observing a very similar issue on OpenSolaris.
The konsole tab often stops responding to any keyboard input when Ctrl+C is pressed. Often in case something is being typed and Ctrl+C is hit very fast. But it also happens while a a build log is being printed and Ctrl+C is hit.

I can 100 % reproduce it this way:
1. press ctrl+G, do not release the keys
2. press the 'c' key 
this works with other keys ('d', 'l', 'w'), does not with 'u','a','z' and others. 
I cannot reproduce it this way on Linux.

see the attached log of 'truss -dfF -rall -wall -o log /opt/kde4/bin/konsole'

at 12.0534 the 'ctrl-g' is recorded
at 12.0745 - 12.5563 there is a DBus communication with knotify regarding the bell (I think) 
several other 'ctrl-g' are recorded
at 12.5645 Ctrl-C is detected
at 12.6764 konsole is already parsing the configs to get the prompt
at 12.8158 konsole tries to output the new line with shell prompt, which never happens
Comment 19 tropikhajma 2010-01-16 15:09:49 UTC
also it seems only the printing is affected, because when I blindly type
the 'frozen' tab closes
Comment 20 Jekyll Wu 2011-08-04 19:58:39 UTC
Is this still a issue in recent version? The last coment is more than 1 year old :)
Comment 21 Jekyll Wu 2011-08-16 06:55:24 UTC
Can't reproduce it with KDE-4.7.0.

Feel free to reopen if this still happens in recent version.
Comment 22 Steve Murphy 2014-01-09 05:26:47 UTC
I see that this is an ancient issue, but I'm seeing this behavior now, years later!

Konsole v. 2.11.3
KDE v. 4.11.3

PC,  64 bit.
Ubuntu 13.10
kernel 3.8.0-33

Everything seems to start out fine, I have maybe 5 or so tabs open; 2 local, 3 or more in ssh remote sessions. I come to a point where typed characters start to be missed. This gets progressively worse and worse. Then what you type in, devolves into the character j, which gets entered maybe once every 10 or 20 keypresses!...  until the entire window has to be abandoned. This is growing
so frequent I will soon be forced to abandon using Konsole! Help!
Any ideas?