Version: 4.2 SVN as of 2009-01-18 (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources After sending a message the cursor changes to the wait cursor and remains in this state until kmail is restarted. The mouse can be used as usual, so this only is a problem of the selected cursor shape, not behaviour.
This works for me in 4.2.0. If you do not experience this problem with a more recent version, please close the bug.
I haven't closed the bug yet because it still happens in 4.2.0!
In 4.2.0 it now is much worse. The wait cursor appears whenever I enter an email address. Contrary to the kde 3.5 version I don't get a list of recent addresses that start the same, so I have to enter the full recipient address. But then it gets worse and worse because some time (about 30-60 seconds) into composing the message kmail locks up completely - only the window close control works and the message if I want to save my message as draft appears - but none of the controls work. Closing the question dialog does return to the kmail main window but that is completly locked down. All I can do now is to kill the kmail process. I haven't managed to successfully send a single mail since I upgraded to 4.2.0!
Argh, I finally managed to get to the bottom of this whole mess. I didn't have an akonadi server running (and will not do so as mysql is a memory hog that I will not run on a system with only 4 GB of memory) and kmail was referring to the kadressbook service which in turn was set up by default to access this mess that is the akonadi server!