Version: 2.1.3 (using KDE 4.1.3) Compiler: unknown OS: MS Windows Installed from: MS Windows Named line color for border can not selected, because file rgb.txt are not available (and IMHO not installed - under Linux /usr/...). --- Reproduce (free translate from German): English: draw border - f.e. in activity diagram right mouse and select line color in context menu in the selection box activate named color German: Rahmen zeichnen (Aktivitätendiagram) Rechter Mausklick - Linienfarbe In der Auswahlbox benannte Farbe auswählen --- BST
I'm not sure to have understand but on the KDE 4.3 version I can choose colors by name (both on italian and english languages).
I checked this with KDE 4.10.2 on windows, rgb.txt is installed into <install-dir>\share\apps\kdeui\rgb.txt by the kdelibs binary package.