Version: 4.1.86 (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources This only occurs when Desktop Effects are enabled. Here are two scenarios that can most certainly cause a crash.. Desktop Folder Plasmoid: If i right click in the Plasmoid and select Create > New Text File Plasma Crashes Picture Frame Plasmoid: If i right Click and go to Picture Frame Settings > Select a Picture then Plasma Crashes What do you need to debug this... Where can i get the backtraces?
You can read and then post a complete backtrace here. Thanks :)
OK... I have read the information from Comment #1 but i still don't see where i can gain a backtrace when the whole Desktop environment crashes. Do i need to start kde from within gdb or valgrind? We are not talking a specific application.. the whole Desktop Environment crashes and it takes me back to a login screen. I just installed the version 4.1.87 and its crashing on this as well. Please let me know how to proceed. Is there a way to tell KDE to spit out a crash dump or something. maybe i need to set ulimit -c unlimited so i can get a core file.
I get this kernel message whenever it crashes with the initial comments Scenario's Jan 2 10:21:34 seaderx kernel: nepomukservices[9577] general protection ip:7fe0cda4a37e sp:7fffd60357d0 error:0 in[7fe0cd9ee000+223000] I also get this message as well... kdm[2597]: X server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly so is nepomukservices giving a general protection fault when i execute those scenario's?? or is it with libQtCore
When you're taken back to kdm, please try checking $HOME/.xsession-errors which might have some useful information. Apart from that it sounds like either ksmserver or your display driver (X11) are crashing. Please also check your xorg logfile, eg. /var/log/Xorg.0.log.
Created attachment 29837 [details] .xsession-errors received
I am not sure about the xsession-errors received.. I looked at my /var/log/Xorg.0.log and its clean.. Also attached.
this is a bug in and/or the driver. the only reason you crash out to the log in is if there is a bug in the x server or the driver. an application should never be able to crash the xserver, and given that it happens only when desktop effects are enabled says it's almost certainly the driver.
Created attachment 29838 [details] Xorg.0.log output
I figured it out... It Certainly Xorg.. I have an Intel Video.. and i enabled XAA as the Accel method for intel driver.. because its smoother.. but XAA is what is causing this problem to occur.. as soon as i go back to EXA which is the default Accel Method for intel driver then this problem does not occur any more.