Version: r901347 trunk (using Devel) Compiler: g++ (SUSE Linux) 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291] openSuSE 11.1 i586 OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources I have Kontact from 3.5 running pretty well with two DIMAP accounts with some thousands of mails. When I start KMail from trunk both DIMAP accounts get simply deleted without any confirmation or anything. Not only the accounts get deleted from configuration but all locally stored mails get completely removed from disk, i.e. switching back to 3.5 without restoring the backup doesn't help at all. Some of the console message I see when starting: kmail(28857) KMMsgDict::readFolderIds: Found serial number zero at index 1704 in folder "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/dimap/" kmail(28857) KMFilterMgr::KMFilterMgr: pPopFilter set kmail(28857)/kmail (storage internals) KMFolderIndex::openInternal: KDE_fopen(indexLocation()= "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/.outbox.index" , "r+") == mIndexStream == 0x9cc99f0 kmail(28857)/kmail (storage internals) KMFolderIndex::openInternal: KDE_fopen(indexLocation()= "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/.drafts.index" , "r+") == mIndexStream == 0x9ccf1c0 kmail(28857)/kmail (storage internals) KMFolderIndex::openInternal: KDE_fopen(indexLocation()= "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/.templates.index" , "r+") == mIndexStream == 0x9d20b58 kmail(28857) KMail::AccountManager::create: Attempt to instantiate a non-existing account type! kmail(28857) KMail::AccountManager::create: Attempt to instantiate a non-existing account type! [...] kmail(28857)/kmail (storage internals) KMFolderMaildir::reallyDoClose: fclose(mIndexStream = 0x9cc8658 ) kmail(28857)/kmail (storage internals) KMFolderIndex::openInternal: KDE_fopen(indexLocation()= "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/dimap/.740573487.index" , "r+") == mIndexStream == 0x9cde658 kmail(28857)/kmail (storage internals) KMFolderMaildir::reallyDoClose: fclose(mIndexStream = 0x9cde658 ) kmail(28857) KMFolderMgr::removeFolderAux: Can not find parent folder for SF-Mail kmail(28857) KMFolderMaildir::createIndexFromContents: Creating index for "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/autosave" kmail(28857) KMFolderMaildir::createIndexFromContents: Creating index for "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/autosave" kmail(28857) KMailApplication::newInstance: kmail(28857) KMKernel::openReader: kmail(28857)/kdepimlibs (kpgp) Kpgp::Module::checkForPGP: Kpgp: gpg found kmail(28857)/kmail (storage internals) KMFolderIndex::openInternal: KDE_fopen(indexLocation()= "/home/eike/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/.inbox.index" , "r+") == mIndexStream == 0x9e620d0
Probably related to bug 165320
The DIMAP accounts still do not get updated, but now at least also not deleted anymore. Switching back to 3.5.10 brings them back in old brightness.