Version: 1.10.3 (using KDE 4.1.3) Compiler: gcc 4.3.2 x86_64 OS: Linux Installed from: Gentoo Packages in kde-3.5, the composer window had a dedicated button to delete a recipient entry (i.e. the to/cc/bcc/etc... lines). with kde-4.1, it looks like the button was changed to an inline "clear text" thingy. the problem is that this disappears when there is no actual text, and so the overloaded behavior of "clear text" and "remove entry" no longer works. for example, open up a composer window, and then add a few people. then select a target and do ctrl+a followed by ctrl+x (to select all and then cut). the little clear text button disappears and if you want to kill the entry, you have to type some bogus text first.
Confirmed using current trunk r895672.
SVN commit 945063 by mleupold: Automatically remove empty lines in the recipients-editor. On removing only move to the next line if the removed line has the focus. BUG: 177543 M +17 -7 recipientseditor.cpp M +1 -0 recipientseditor.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 945861 by mleupold: Backport of r945063. Automatically remove empty lines in the recipients-editor. On removing only move to the next line if the removed line has the focus. CCBUG: 177543 M +17 -7 recipientseditor.cpp M +1 -0 recipientseditor.h WebSVN link: