Version: 0.60.81 (using 4.1.80 (KDE 4.1.80 (KDE 4.2 Beta1)), Gentoo) Compiler: i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.26-gentoo-r1 Steps to reproduce: 1) Open a chat conversation with someone (I used jabber) 2) Make sure that Format->Enable Rich text is *not* set 3) Goto Format->Set Font do some modifications 4) Type a text and wonder why your modifications are not used It seems as if the font changes in Set Font only work if Rich text is enabled. Therefore I think it might be a good idea to make this submenu inaccessible (grey out "Format->Set font") unless richt text gets enabled
I believe this bug is no longer relevant after the recent krichtextwidget commit.
Well, I can still reproduce this bug with KDE-4.2.1. Is that mentioned krichtextwidget commit applied to trunk only?
Should be fixed in KDE SC 4.3