Version: (using KDE 4.1.2) OS: OS X Installed from: Mac OS X (Fink) Packages whatever current space I am in, the OSD would lead me to the original space I opened Amarok, which is quite annoying. 1. open Amarok in Space 1 2. move it to Space 2 3. click some track to enable the OSD 4. Space auto switched.
a bunch of os x apps do this for me (including safari sometimes). i have absolutely no clue how to fix this, or even if a fix is possible. spaces leaves some room for improvement when it comes to grabbing your attention...
given that we're not targeting os x for final public consumption for 2.0, i'm removing the 2.0 tag. needs to be fixed, but not needed for 2.0.
Leo has just implemented Growl support in Amarok SVN (to become 2.0.1). I guess this sort of renders this fixed.