Bug 165693 - Languages no longer available in new version and bad layout and not enough options
Summary: Languages no longer available in new version and bad layout and not enough op...
Alias: None
Product: kde
Classification: I don't know
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Unassigned bugs mailing-list
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Reported: 2008-07-04 09:44 UTC by Vince
Modified: 2011-12-02 01:35 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Vince 2008-07-04 09:44:39 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.0.1)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages
OS:                Linux

1. It seems in Regional & Languages most languages have disappeared. I really need them, please put them back. Esp. East-Asian languages. 

2. It seems for all kinds of desktop settings options have disappeared. There are not as many in KDE 4+ as compared with 3(+). I can not tweak it as I like it any more without those settings. Transparencies, for example, but quite a few more. And de-selecting the stippling effect in standard KDE 2 style seems not functional any more, too. Here's another example: The clock in the taskbar had a lot more options, for instance its size. How there is no way I can fit it in how I liek my taskbar any more (esp. since I like my taskbar on the left, not bottom). 

3. I always strive to click less rather than more. Clicking the KDE button now opens a horizontal menu with vertically listed the options pertaining to them. WHY??? What's wrong with the menu layout as was existing? Now I also see double menu entries in different places, and the menu I need most slides out of direct view when "recently used" is added (by default). When I want to shut down, I now have to click at least two times more than with KDE 3(+). I am getting GUI fatigue, please just allow normal menu layout. 

4. I got some ATI stuff, installed the 3d restricted driver, now some of the taskbar wraps around to the top of the screen. 

5. I like my taskbar on the left of the screen (esp. since monitors are now even wider than they used to be). The advantage of that is that many more started apps fit in it. But no more: The apps now use as big a space as when it is at the bottom. Please change back. 

6. I do not need to see which restricted drivers are in use when I start KDE. Just get a move on already and please do not make me click more than I have to. 

7. I suggest to make the Windows keys usable by default. 

8. I suggest to make skim / scim a default with easy config/installation rather than the elaborate procedures I had to go through up till now. 

I chose Kubuntu over other Ubuntu versions because it was more convenient. Was. No more. I deplore. I suggest a split: KDE Boring (for dullards like me) and KDE Speedway (for propellerheads who like to spend more time playing with their GUI rather than computing). Or at least some quick-switch button between such settings.
Comment 1 Christophe Marin 2008-07-04 12:10:17 UTC
1/ Look at your distribution packages.
6/ report it to http://launchpad.net

If you're using KDE 4.0.1, please, also consider upgrading your KDE version.

Comment 2 Vince 2008-07-04 14:02:06 UTC
Actually I am not sure which version comes with Kubuntu 8.04. How do I find out and how do I upgrade?
And if I do, are my wishes in there?
Comment 3 Christophe Marin 2008-07-04 20:22:52 UTC
Use this command :

kwin --version

you'll know which KDE version you're currently running.

The kubuntu home page and/or http://kubuntu.org are useful informations sources.
Comment 4 Jekyll Wu 2011-12-02 01:35:14 UTC
This report is quite old and contains many issues. If some of them still bother the reporter, please open one report for one issue.