Bug 164314 - Move/Copy/Link Here context menu for current folder
Summary: Move/Copy/Link Here context menu for current folder
Alias: None
Product: dolphin
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 16.12.2
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Peter Penz
: 168099 168773 170710 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2008-06-17 17:59 UTC by Christoph Wiesen
Modified: 2008-12-06 18:48 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Description Christoph Wiesen 2008-06-17 17:59:38 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.0.80)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

There is (at least for me) no context menu when dragging and dropping an item (file or subfolder) inside the current folder. I'd expect to get a menu with "Move Here, "Copy Here" and "Link Here", but nothing happens.

This exact menu is available when I drag and drop an item on a subfolder though.

While I think that it might be a concious decision not to provide this context menu inside the current folder (for the  duplicate names issue and the necessary popup dialogue because of this I guess), I think it should be there, since it enables you to quickly a) create links and b) copies of items.

a) creating a symlink that you can move somewhere else manually, since there is no 'paste link here' option or something like it 
b) creating a renamed copy of a file in the same folder for backup reasons

Moving makes less sense here, but it does not *have* to be greyed out as it could be used to rename an item.

Something I just noticed: When browsing smb://workgroup/ this context menu actually is available within the current view. Seems to be a limitation for local file management only.
Comment 1 Peter Penz 2008-06-17 18:22:30 UTC
I generally agree, but I'd take out "Move Here" on purpose (as you say you could use it for renaming, but I think it is confusing for the main Dolphin target user group). So I'd suggest that we leave in "Copy Here", "Link Here" and "Cancel". Would this be OK for you?
Comment 2 Christoph Wiesen 2008-06-17 18:27:15 UTC
Yes, it would be perfect. I only mentioned that 'Move here' could stay, in case it's more work to actually get rid of it.
Comment 3 Peter Penz 2008-06-17 18:37:48 UTC
Great, let's see whether I can get this in for KDE 4.1... (this is no promise ;-))
Comment 4 FiNeX 2008-06-29 18:00:40 UTC
On current trunk it seems works, but if you're in "icon view mode" and you try to drag & drop one folder to itself it will not work, instead it will work in detail or columns mode. It will work in icon mode only if you split the view or use two dolphin window (and you drag & drop the folder to itself between the two views/windows).
Comment 5 Ivo Anjo 2008-07-11 22:58:04 UTC
I agree, dragging and dropping like this is very useful.

Unlike what Comment #4 reports, at least for me in current trunk it doesn't work in any mode/split/windows.

Having this back for 4.1 would be very very very appreciated. Otherwise I think I'll be trying to do this unsuccessfully for weeks just out of habit.
Comment 6 Peter Penz 2008-08-02 20:31:52 UTC
*** Bug 168099 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Peter Penz 2008-08-10 22:09:01 UTC
*** Bug 168773 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 FiNeX 2008-11-04 13:51:11 UTC
I've tried to drag & drop a folder to itself using current trunk (r879898)
In "column" mode I've got an error message: "You cannot drop a folder on to itself". In "icon" and "detail" modes the message box is not shown.
Comment 9 Peter Penz 2008-11-29 15:19:10 UTC
*** Bug 170710 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 Peter Penz 2008-12-06 18:48:37 UTC
SVN commit 893490 by ppenz:

KonqOperations::doDropFileCopy(): don't add a "Move Here" action, if a directory is dragged into the same folder (e. g. if the directory /home/peter/Temp is dragged into /home/peter)

CCBUG: 164314
CCMAIL: faure@kde.org

 M  +14 -1     konq_operations.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=893490
Comment 11 Peter Penz 2008-12-06 18:48:45 UTC
SVN commit 893493 by ppenz:

show a "Copy Here" and "Link Here" action, when a file is dragged within the same folder

BUG: 164314

 M  +1 -17     draganddrophelper.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=893493