Version: Revision 818680 (using Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources OS: Linux It could be useful to add sorting and grouping features in the folder view containment... like dolphin :-)
since you've added numerous wishlist entries for folderview (honestly, a fairly dubious exercise for a brand new component still in high devel, but.. whatever) could you go back and assign them all the widget-folderview component? thanks.
Thanks to have added the "widget-folderview" on the component list :-) I've reported so many wish for a new component because I'm not a developer, so I don't know which feature are planned and which not. The only formal "tool" I can use is b.k.o. In this way I'm able to communicate with developers, better than using private email, ML or IRC.
This feature has been implemented in revision 862485, and will appear in KDE 4.2.
Thanks a lot Fredrik, I'll compile trunk for watching it :-)
@Fredrik: Hi, I've just compiled trunk, but I can see only sorting, not grouping. Is grouping planned too?