Bug 161530 - please improve PS support
Summary: please improve PS support
Alias: None
Product: kdvi
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Unassigned bugs mailing-list
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Reported: 2008-05-02 19:10 UTC by Maciej Pilichowski
Modified: 2013-09-28 13:43 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Maciej Pilichowski 2008-05-02 19:10:53 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 3.5.9)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs

The story is this: I use dot2tex to create tex files from dot (graphviz) files. Then I run latex to create dvi file -- when I try to view it using kdvi the main problem is the labels are misplaced (*) (geometry of graph is ok, however out of scale).

(*) all labels are placed together, one over another in bottom, left corner

When I convert the exactly same dvi file to PS file and then view it using kghostview everything is fine -- scale is ok and most important all labels are perfectly placed.

I can attach any tex/dvi/ps file if this is needed, just let me know.
Comment 1 Jekyll Wu 2013-09-28 13:43:28 UTC
kdvi is no longer maintained since KDE SC 4, and its functionality is replace by okular.  If the issue in this report still exists in or apply to okular in KDE SC 4.10.5 or higher, please reassign the report to okular product or create a new report against okular.