Bug 160892 - Input Actions module in KDE4 broken?
Summary: Input Actions module in KDE4 broken?
Alias: None
Product: khotkeys
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: HI normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Lubos Lunak
: 165373 167673 168967 169750 174182 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2008-04-16 06:36 UTC by William Hilton
Modified: 2011-05-20 11:15 UTC (History)
42 users (show)

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Description William Hilton 2008-04-16 06:36:49 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.0.3)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages
OS:                Linux

I've tried configuring several Input Actions in System Settings for KDE4, but none of them have any effect. Pressing the shortcut keys doesn't trigger anything. This makes me very sad, as I have several Input Actions from KDE3 that I want to use in KDE4. (My favorite being pressing F13 triggering "xsendkeys Alt+Tab".) Can somebody fix this, please? (Or at least figure out why it doesn't work?)

Using Kubuntu KDE packages, KDE 4.0.3.
Comment 1 Gard Spreemann 2008-04-28 23:57:40 UTC
I'm seeing the exact same thing.
Comment 2 Gard Spreemann 2008-04-28 23:58:27 UTC
Sorry, forgot: Version 4.0.3 here too.
Comment 3 William Hilton 2008-05-23 03:36:11 UTC
Status still = unconfirmed? gspreemann confirmed it. Do we need a developer to confirm it?

Perhaps I'm the only fellow who uses global shortcut keys to launch programs, but I think something this broken deserves to get fixed in time for 4.1.
Comment 4 Georg Grabler 2008-05-23 13:35:08 UTC
Shortcuts in kde4 are generally a bit broken at the moment.
Shortcuts don't save correctly, program launches don't work at all.

You need at least somebdoy of the KDE developers to confirm the bug.
Comment 5 David Brooks 2008-06-08 18:35:13 UTC
Same thing observed here under KDE4.1 beta (4.0.80) in Kubuntu. However, I was running 4.0.4 and khotkeys worked well there.
Comment 6 Maciej Pilichowski 2008-06-20 16:49:59 UTC
Confirmed, 4.0.82 (KDE4Daily).
Comment 7 Lubos Lunak 2008-07-04 17:11:33 UTC
*** Bug 165373 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Stefan Dotterweich 2008-07-15 17:36:00 UTC
Same problem on Kubuntu KDE4.1 rc1
Comment 9 Andrew Ingram 2008-07-18 17:04:57 UTC
Same here. Kubuntu KDE 4.1 RC1. Only tested with hotkeys, not mouse gestures
Comment 10 Dario Andres 2008-07-20 02:59:03 UTC
Same problem here in KDE 4.0.99 (4.1RC1+) in ArchLinux.

Also, in Keyboard Shortcuts (in Keyboard and Mouse setting), the KDE component/scheme for KHotKeys shows repeated all the others shortcuts combinations (from the other componente/schemes), it's a really long list; and also shows the old shortcuts (non-existent in present) configured in the KHotKeys module
Comment 11 Atilla ÖNTAŞ 2008-07-27 05:50:46 UTC
Same here Arch Linux KdeMod 4.0.99
Comment 12 Attilio Scotolati 2008-07-28 13:28:07 UTC
Confirmed on Fedora 9 (KDE 4.0.5): here most settings are applied only after a reboot, while other random ones seem to work immediately.
Comment 13 David Friedman 2008-07-29 22:17:37 UTC
Confirmed with Arch Linux KDE 4.1 very annoying!
Comment 14 Andrew Ingram 2008-07-30 22:02:50 UTC
Confirmed with KDE 4.1 Final in Kubuntu. Also can confirm KHotKeys showing repeated shortcut combinations
Comment 15 Fry 2008-07-31 21:43:30 UTC
Amusingly, "Input Actions" was moved to the "Advanced" tab of System Settings. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.

Kubuntu 8.04
KDE 4.1.00
Comment 16 Unknown 2008-08-01 10:05:05 UTC
Same problem here (KDE 4.1 for Kubuntu 8.04) - in fact, this is currently the main problem preventing me from switching to KDE4.
Comment 17 Michał Zagdan 2008-08-01 10:47:45 UTC
Same here (KDE 4.1, Arch Linux packages, keyboard model Compaq Internet Keyboard, layout PL).
Comment 18 Simone Lazzaris 2008-08-01 12:06:10 UTC
Me too (KDE 4.1, Arch linux packages, logitehc keyboard, layout IT)
Comment 19 Rolf Offermanns 2008-08-01 12:19:16 UTC
Same here: openSuSE-11.0 and Kubuntu-8.04.

This is the one thing that keeps me from switching to KDE4.

I also find it quite confusing, that you can configure hotkeys in two places ("Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts" and "Input Actions").

And then the Groups / Single Entry enable / disable story. I don't think anyone will anybody will get, that an action is only enabled, when both the containing group and the entry itself it enabled.
Comment 20 Toke Høiland-Jørgensen 2008-08-01 13:53:14 UTC
Confirmed in Kubuntu 8.04 / KDE 4.1.00. Quite a showstopper.
Comment 21 William Hilton 2008-08-01 17:53:57 UTC
I really love System Settings and Input Actions in particular. It was a show stopper for me until I eventually gave in anyway because the rest of KDE4 is so awesome.

I'm new to Qt/C++, but have done some Qt/Python stuff, and would be more than happy to work on improving the module's GUI for usability! Of course, it won't do much good until khotkeys actually works, but I thought I'd offer.
Comment 22 Unknown 2008-08-01 18:37:20 UTC
Confirmed on Gentoo (KDE Overlay), versions 4.1-beta_1 till 4.1.0
I'm already usind KDE 4, but this is really really really annoying!

Comment 23 Michael Jansen 2008-08-01 20:22:58 UTC
KHotKeys is broken for kde 4.1 and always will be. See http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165441#c2

With KDE 4.2 we will have some improvements but i can't say how much. Global Key Shortuts work in trunk. But nothing else. No conditions and none of the other Trigger types. If someone is willing to work on that stuff ... contact me.

Comment 24 William Hilton 2008-08-02 06:57:30 UTC
Useful tip from bug 165441 - the KDE3 version of khotkeys works with the KDE 4.1 environment (at least for basic global shortcuts and active window conditions). Now you can Print Screen, etc. again. (And I can Alt+Tab with my Caps Lock key!) Obviously, it would be better if khotkeys worked in KDE4, but at least now we have a workaround.

Also (I'm new at this) should http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165441 be marked a duplicate of this bug? This bug is older, but the other bug has more details about what is going wrong with khotkeys and it's config file. Then again, this one has far more votes. (Do votes combine when bugs are marked duplicates, btw?)
Comment 25 Maciej Pilichowski 2008-08-02 13:02:40 UTC
Nope, they don't. I posted cross-reference to this report.
Comment 26 ken manheimer 2008-08-02 19:22:19 UTC
i reported bug 165441, and it does look like this one is describing the same thing.  both reports have useful info.  i can add a bit more.

- if you start kde4 khotkeys (/usr/lib/kde4/bin/khotkeys) in a konsole,
  you will see a line of output like:

  khotkeys(25481) KHotKeys::Shortcut_trigger::activate: TODO implement activate
  this seems to indicate that the activate-window mechanism is unimplemented
  in the kde4 version of khotkeys.  this command is the single most important
  one in my use of the utility, and its lack makes it worse than useless.  i
  can't imagine why the old version was replaced with such an unworking one,
  regardless of how crufty the old one is.

- as i mentioned in the other bug report, there is a workaround until the kde4
  version is made usable.

  you can run the kde3 khotkeys version if (in a debian installation) you have 
  "khotkeys" (not "khotkeys-kde4") package installed.  kill the running
  khotkeys and explicitly invoke /usr/bin/khotkeys.  you must remember to use
  the old 'kcontrol' command (rather than kde4's 'systemsettings') to configure
  the input actions.

- as i mentioned in the other bug report, ~/.kde4/share/config/kglobalshortcutrc
  accumulates duplicate entries each time you save changes for a global
  shortcut using kde4's khotkeys.  according to lubos this is a fault in the
  kdelibs shortcuts code, affecting eg kwin's per-window shortcuts as well.
  something clearly is awry there.

i don't know which bug report should be retained, since they both have distinct, useful info.  i would have liked to just add myself as a cc to this one, but the system didn't offer me that option for some reason, and there was some additional info to add...
Comment 27 Unknown 2008-08-06 13:29:04 UTC
I'm really surprised that obviously most of the developers don't use global shortcuts. I wonder how they start all their apps ;-)
Can this be fixed for KDE 4.1.1 (fixes like the one #23 mentioned can be backported, can't they?) or will we have to wait till KDE 4.2 (in which case I hope Kubuntu 8.10 still provides KDE 3.5...)
Comment 28 sighohmy 2008-08-12 04:02:50 UTC
Using 4.1 on kubuntu Hardy.  Neither khotkeys shortcuts or input actions shortcuts work. 

How is this not a priority?  I understand that the KDE developers don't like to listen to user feedback/advice, but I'm genuinely surprised that none of the developers use a shortcut key combo to start konsole.
Comment 29 Maciej Pilichowski 2008-08-12 12:45:11 UTC
Diafero, Sighohmy -- the report is posted, developers are aware of the issue. However posting a report does not mean that developers immediately start fixing _this_ one -- the are literally thousands of open issues, all of them requires time to handle. So just by complaining things won't go any faster (quite contrary, because everybody has to read complains).

If you really think this issue is important please hop aboard and try to fix the problem. It will be much more appreciated than repetitive "why is it not fixed already". Thank you in advance for your help.
Comment 30 ken manheimer 2008-08-12 16:20:30 UTC
in comment #29, Maciej Pilichowski wrote:

 > If you really think this issue is important please hop
 > aboard and try to fix the problem.

i suspect that part of the problem in this issue is that there are administrative choices to be made, so that a developer cannot just dive in and fix things.

according to comments by lubos lunak and michael jansen in bug 165441, it seems that the 4.1 global shortcuts (input actions) implementation is a partially completed rework of khotkeys.  (the debugging messages from the kde4 khotkeys containing things like "khotkeys(25481) KHotKeys::Shortcut_trigger::activate: TODO implement activate" is clear evidence of this!)  one option for addressing the immediate problem is to revert to the 3.x version of khotkeys until the new implementation is completed.  i doubt that most people, especially those new to kde development, are in a position to make and implement that decision, or even know who to speak with to get the decision made.

upshot is that i think there is a bind here, and one that is not getting sufficient executive attention.  something does seem to be stuck, with the lack of implementation of an easy workaround for a (for some of us) show-stopper problem.

(personally, i just use a kde startup script to kill kde4 khotkeys and start the kde3 version.  the problem is that many people, including but not only those new to kde and linux, won't know about that option, and just get turned off by the lack of functionality that they've been lead to believe is present.)
Comment 31 Michael Jansen 2008-08-13 22:00:54 UTC
OK. Once again. It's not that we somehow decided to kill khotkeys . Some decisions in kde4 unrelated to the khotkeys code broke it. It's stopped working. Since noone is/was willing to work on it nothing happened. Then i came along and decided to do a redesign because the changes to kde4 global shortcuts handling broke some assumptions khotkeys made so i had to do a fairly big change to make it working. That was my decision and since noone else worked on the code noone complained. 

Feel free to resurrect and fix the kde3 khotkeys code and noone will object to your version substitute mine. I won't.

But in unrelated news someone decided complaining isn't the right way to go and start coding/contributing so let's see and wait how that turns out. I still plan to work on khotkeys but real life stuff keeps me away. serious stuff. I will however assist the volunteer as much as i can. I hope to have time for kde again in the near future (1month).

To rephrase khotkeys will get better with 4.2 but most likely not with the full kde 3.5 functionality. khotkeys with 4.1 is broke and will stay that way until some wonder happens.

Comment 32 ken manheimer 2008-08-13 22:31:21 UTC
in comment #31, michael jansen wrote:

> Some decisions in kde4 unrelated to the khotkeys code broke it. It's stopped
> working. Since noone is/was willing to work on it nothing happened. Then i
> came along and decided to do a redesign because the changes to kde4 global
> shortcuts handling broke some assumptions khotkeys made so i had to do a
> fairly big change to make it working.

ok, so simply porting the 3.5 khotkeys is not an option, because the underlying global shortcuts infrastructure broke the 3.5 version of khotkeys.

it sounds to me like the planning for the global shortcuts infrastructure changes is at fault, and attention is needed there.

> To rephrase khotkeys will get better with 4.2 but most likely not with
> the full kde 3.5 functionality. khotkeys with 4.1 is broke and will stay
> that way until some wonder happens.

then maybe the wrong thing is being worked on.  maybe it would be more viable to implement backwards compatibility provisions in the global shortcuts infrastucture, to enable continuing with kde 3.5 khotkeys until resources are available to migrate it to the new interfaces.  it would seem that the ones who planned and made the changes to the global shortcuts infrastructure have some responsibility to consumers of those resources, like khotkeys...

(a number of people keep chiming in with complaints about the loss of functionality, and then a (seemingly equal) number of people chime in and say "shut up and start coding".  with an environment as elaborate as kde, both the complaints and "start coding" are ineffective - simplistic, wishful thinking.  as you suggest, yourself (michael), even with the best of intentions and presumably some kde coding experience you were unable to get full khotkeys functionality.  what you're saying does not inspire hope about getting the full functionality any time soon.  maybe the problem is actually elsewhere, but obscured by being infrastructure.)
Comment 33 A. Spehr 2008-08-14 04:25:30 UTC
> then maybe the wrong thing is being worked on.  maybe it would be more viable > to implement backwards compatibility provisions in the global shortcuts 
> infrastructure, to enable continuing with kde 3.5 khotkeys until resources 
> are available to migrate it to the new interfaces.  

This would take developer resources. Perhaps a lot.

> it would seem that the ones who planned and made the changes to the global 
> shortcuts infrastructure have some responsibility to consumers of those 
> resources, like khotkeys... 

Following that line of reasoning, they also have responsibilities to the greater KDE community, and will thus fix the most important things first. Given that this is lower level stuff, please trust the developers to have the judgement to decide what is most important to implement first.

A call was put out for volunteers, there's no need to further harass developers. Furthermore, bug reports are not meant for this type of "discussion".

*Please* take further complaints to a mailing list.
Comment 34 Unknown 2008-08-14 08:09:17 UTC
thanks a lot for the clarification!
Comment 35 Kai Moonbourn 2008-08-18 02:29:50 UTC
I'm noticing something possibly related, and very weird.

I use the "global hotkey" plugin for XMMS, and I have it configured to use Meta + P/N/X/S/Z for play, next, previous, stop, and toggle window, respectively.

Occasionally, randomly, the "next" and "play" shortcuts (Meta(Windows Key) + N or P) will stop working, but the rest of the shortcuts will. I've looked in every keyboard shortcut related place (and by the way, there REALLY should only be one place to configure keyboard shortcuts, and only ONE internal KDE system for handling them), and disabled any potentially conflicting shortcuts, but the problem still occurs.

Sometimes restarting KDE seems to work. Sometimes rebooting the computer seems to work. Sometimes nothing works, and I have to open the player window and hit "play" or "next" manually.

This is with KDE 4.1 on Slackware 12.1-current
Comment 36 Marcelo Sales 2008-08-18 20:30:45 UTC
Kai, if your problems are specific to shortcuts which use the meta key, maybe you're experiencing and old bug of xorg, not related to this one.
Look here:

There are detailed descriptions of the bug, partial workarounds and links to the related bugs in freedesktop.org's bugzilla.
Comment 37 Alexey Chernov 2008-08-25 00:43:17 UTC
*** Bug 169750 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 38 Kai Moonbourn 2008-08-25 08:26:04 UTC
Marcelo, it only started happening in KDE 4; it was not a problem in KDE 3.

Here is all the information I have:
-I don't know what triggers the bug, but I suspect that restarting KDE will do it.
-When the bug is active, it only impacts currently-assigned key combinations.
-When a key combination is affected, it seems to "null out" the input; that is, XMMS' input plugin will detect that I am pressing the Meta key, but when I press, say, P (which I have bound to "Play" in XMMS), it stops detecting that I am pressing the Meta key, until I release/press it again.
-If I open up the keyboard shortcuts menu in KDE, select "custom" for *ANY* item, and press an affected key combo, it will begin working properly, but others will remain unworking. In other words, I can go to an action which defaults to "None", set it to "Custom", press Meta+P, then revert the changes, and suddenly Meta+P will work in XMMS again.

I also have Meta+R set to open the KDE run menu, and it is similarly affected, so it is not just an XMMS thing.
Comment 39 Tomasz Jach 2008-08-25 13:21:26 UTC
*** Bug 168967 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 40 kujub 2008-08-25 14:24:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #38)
> I also have Meta+R set to open the KDE run menu, and it is similarly affected,
> so it is not just an XMMS thing.
To me it seems this is not (only) a khotkeys problem. I have a keyboard with keys Internet, Email and Search which I simply use with khotkeys to do simple commands like 'eject -T sr0' etc. and additionally keys for Volume +/- and Mute which I use with kmix. The kmix keys do not work here too at least after restarting KDE (4.1 on ArchLinux).

I work around this here with the following commands at the end of my autostart script:
  sleep 45
  kquitapp kmix 
  kstart --iconify --windowclass Kmix kmix
KHotkeys is not at all started here automatically, so no kquitapp needed.
This works only after waiting some time after KDE startup.

Comment 41 Thomas Schuetz 2008-08-30 09:59:26 UTC
The bug still exists in kde 4.1.1 in the normal arch-packages (not kdemod).
Comment 42 Thomas Schuetz 2008-09-16 16:25:32 UTC
I couldn't stand working without keybindings so I looked for an programm to bind keys and found xbindkeys (http://hocwp.free.fr/xbindkeys/xbindkeys.html) Maybe it is helpful for you too until this problem is solved.
Comment 43 kujub 2008-09-28 16:39:27 UTC
Seems to be mostly fixed in KDE 4.1.2. I just have to start khotkeys now in my autostart script.
Comment 44 armin walland 2008-10-04 06:21:20 UTC
it is fixed?

doesn't seem to work here.
Version 4.1.2 (KDE 4.1.2) / debian unstable. i also tried to reset all my shortcuts to the defaults and retry but still i cannot start konsole with ctrl+alt+t (the default) or my preferred shortcuts (win+s).

also when i start khotkeys i still get the following:
~ $  khotkeys
khotkeys(9911) KHotKeys::ShortcutsHandler::ShortcutsHandler: Initializing shortcuts_handler
khotkeys(9911) KHotKeys::ShortcutsHandler::addAction: Creating action for  "{fdb78088-9ce9-4a84-8f5b-7e51a8b91c0f}"  -  "PrintScreen" : QKeySequence("Print")
khotkeys(9911) KHotKeys::ShortcutsHandler::addAction: Finished creating action for  "{fdb78088-9ce9-4a84-8f5b-7e51a8b91c0f}"  -  "PrintScreen" : QKeySequence("Print") QKeySequence("")
khotkeys(9911) KHotKeys::ShortcutsHandler::addAction: Creating action for  "{a99e5124-71da-45f0-be68-35bc7c471a14}"  -  "konsole" : QKeySequence("Meta+S")
khotkeys(9911) KHotKeys::ShortcutsHandler::addAction: Finished creating action for  "{a99e5124-71da-45f0-be68-35bc7c471a14}"  -  "konsole" : QKeySequence("") QKeySequence("")
khotkeys(9911) KHotKeys::Shortcut_trigger::activate: TODO implement activate
khotkeys(9911) KHotKeys::Shortcut_trigger::activate: TODO implement activate

can you provide any info about which versions you are using? (packaged or svn build?)

best rgds, armin
Comment 45 Tobias Leupold 2008-10-04 12:38:46 UTC
I can confirm that the mouse gestures do not work with KDE 4.1.2 on my Gentoo system.
Mouse gestures not working in Konqueror is a very annoying bug that stops me from using Konqueror as my default web browser. This bug should really be fixed!
Comment 46 Neil Skrypuch 2008-10-04 19:34:01 UTC
I'm also on KDE 4.1.2 in Gentoo, and mouse gestures definitely don't seem to be working, which is very unfortunate.
Comment 47 busytoby 2008-10-04 20:47:52 UTC
I can confirm hotkeys working properly in debian/unstable with kde 4.1.2-1 packages from experimental.  Make sure you disable khotkeys and delete it's config files, then set up your shortcuts under System Settings/Keyboard & Mouse.

I imported the 'Unix' scheme and so far almost everything works.  For some reason, my amarok keybindings only work if i set them within amarok itself but that's a new bug.

Thanks to all who had more patience to fix this than i did :)
Comment 48 busytoby 2008-10-04 20:53:00 UTC
should read 'can confirm hotkeys'.. khotkeys was fully removed before things started working. (apologies for spam)
Comment 49 armin walland 2008-10-04 21:45:42 UTC
sorry, but i don't understand how you start programs with keyboard-shortcuts when you say you completely disabled khotkeys o.O

is there another way to set keyboard shortcuts to execute programs that i am unaware of?
Comment 50 ken manheimer 2008-10-04 22:59:14 UTC
(In reply to comment #47)
> I can confirm hotkeys working properly in debian/unstable with kde 4.1.2-1
> packages from experimental.  Make sure you disable khotkeys and delete it's
> config files, then set up your shortcuts under System Settings/Keyboard &
> Mouse.

i think you're talking about something very different than the khotkeys problems described in this bug report.

as far as i can see, you cannot use the System Settings/Keyboard & Mouse interface to add new global shortcuts, only change the existing keys bound to existing application-specific shortcuts.  (it does enable you to change the keys already bound to actions in the khotkeys application, but nothing else about them.)  the System Settings / (advanced) Input Actions interface is used to add such keybindings, via khotkeys, and most of the actions functionality exposed there still is apparently just not implemented.

the problems being discussed (at length) in this report are for custom actions that you can create with khotkeys.  the easiest to see problem is the lack of "activate window" implementation - you can't use a keybinding to activate a particular window, a pretty basic operation in window system keyboard navigation.  evidence of this lack is a message emitted to stderr when you start kde 4 khotkeys:

  khotkeys(15783) KHotKeys::Shortcut_trigger::activate: TODO implement activate

and, in fact, this and most other aspects of kde4 khotkeys actions do not work.

> I imported the 'Unix' scheme and so far almost everything works.  For some
> reason, my amarok keybindings only work if i set them within amarok itself but
> that's a new bug.

i warn everyone who has any customization of the standard key bindings to back up your settings before doing this!  it will replace all your custom settings, so you'll either have to reconstruct them, or if you've exported your settings (and the export / import machinery works as it should - i've had problems with that before, and haven't tested it now), then import them back.  (i instead resurrected my bindings by restoring a copy of .kde4/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc that i had stashed, wary of just this problem.)

> Thanks to all who had more patience to fix this than i did :)

whatever was fixed, i don't think it had anything to do with the problems reported here.

i still wish somebody in-the-know would evaluate, if they haven't already, what it would take to port the kde3 khotkeys infrastructure to kde4.  fortunately, my distribution (kubuntu 8.04) allows for both kde3 and kde4 to be installed side by side, so i can run the fully-working kde3 khotkeys, with a little tweaking of my startup.  if this problem is not fixed by the time of the next ubuntu/kubuntu major release, which doesn't allow side-by-side kde3 and kde4 installations, i'll be switching to gnome.  never thought i'd consider that.
Comment 51 armin walland 2008-10-05 00:25:42 UTC
On Saturday 04 October 2008 22:59:21 you wrote:
> whatever was fixed, i don't think it had anything to do with the problems
> reported here.

thanks for the clarification

> i still wish somebody in-the-know would evaluate, if they haven't already,
> what it would take to port the kde3 khotkeys infrastructure to kde4. 
> fortunately, my distribution (kubuntu 8.04) allows for both kde3 and kde4
> to be installed side by side, so i can run the fully-working kde3 khotkeys,
> with a little tweaking of my startup.  if this problem is not fixed by the
> time of the next ubuntu/kubuntu major release, which doesn't allow
> side-by-side kde3 and kde4 installations, i'll be switching to gnome. 
> never thought i'd consider that.

i wouldn't go that far...just seeing the gnome file selection dialog makes me wanna vomit with rage :D
but yes, this missing functionality is _really_really_really_ annoying...especially for power-users, who do a lot with shortcuts. if i were skilled in C++/QT i would try to help fix this, but i have never really done any gui programming, just server-side and almost exclusively java.

really hoping for someone to find the time to implement the missing functionality.

rgds, armin

Comment 52 William Hilton 2008-10-05 02:50:26 UTC
@jay osborne: This bug is about khotkeys, aka Input Actions under System Settings > Advanced > Input Actions, not System Settings > Keyboard &
Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts.

I'm adding all the CC emails back, since Jay removed them.
Comment 53 wuselwu 2008-10-16 06:55:15 UTC
One question: 
I understand the reasons why KDE hotkeys are not working, however, I think this important feature should be handled differently. 
OK, you obviously cannot force devs to work on this bug ;). But if khotkeys is known to be broken, I simply don't understand why the corresponding preferences menus are there. This is "fishing for bug reports". 
If a functionality is definitely not working, don't offer the user the option to configure it, or at least add a note "currently under construction, may not work as expected" in the configuration menu?
Comment 54 Eugen Albrecht 2008-10-16 07:56:06 UTC
on suse11.1 beta2 all hotkeys are working. It is based on kde4.1.2
Comment 55 Unknown 2008-10-16 09:26:30 UTC
I have KDE 4.1.2 from Kubuntu installed and still have the problem that shortcuts defined in menu editor don't work.
Comment 56 wuselwu 2008-10-16 16:43:35 UTC
My openSUSE Factory installation, which should me newer than 11.1beta2, does _not_ have working hotkeys.
Comment 57 Eugen Albrecht 2008-10-16 17:13:00 UTC
i tried this iso on real hardware:

i'll try it one more time now in VM.
Comment 58 Eugen Albrecht 2008-10-16 17:23:05 UTC
ALT+F1 works
Comment 59 morhekil 2008-10-16 18:36:03 UTC
Eugen, it's not what this bug is about. See comment #50 above for a detailed explanation.
Comment 60 Michael Jansen 2008-10-26 02:15:05 UTC
*** Bug 167673 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 61 armin walland 2008-10-29 04:12:59 UTC

it seems there is a possibility to work around this:

i don't know why it works but i have tried it here (debian experimental) and it semms to work like this.
Comment 62 Franz Reinhardt 2008-11-05 08:14:45 UTC
*** Bug 174182 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 63 Lubos Lunak 2008-11-07 17:06:56 UTC
This has been fixed for KDE4.1 (too late for 4.1.3 though). I don't have time to check KDE4.2, but the relevant commits are:
r881045, r881256, r881249, r880872, r880871, r880850.
Comment 64 ken manheimer 2008-11-07 18:54:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #63)
> This has been fixed for KDE4.1 (too late for 4.1.3 though). I don't have time
> to check KDE4.2, but the relevant commits are:
> r881045, r881256, r881249, r880872, r880871, r880850.

this sounds like great news!  can you say more about what's been implemented?  i see "actions", "triggers", and "conditions" directories (in http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.1/kdebase/workspace/khotkeys/ ), so it looks like you implemented the full khotkeys 3.5 functionality.  is that right?

thanks for following through on this, in any case!

Comment 65 Meghazi Fabien 2008-11-14 15:49:21 UTC
Meanwhile 4.2 is there a workaround or something ?

Is it possible to just edit some configuration files in .kde/ in order to get this working ?
Comment 66 DEMETER LEVENTE 2008-11-14 18:17:22 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> Version:            (using KDE 4.0.3)
> Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages
> OS:                Linux
> I've tried configuring several Input Actions in System Settings for KDE4, but
> none of them have any effect. Pressing the shortcut keys doesn't trigger
> anything. This makes me very sad, as I have several Input Actions from KDE3
> that I want to use in KDE4. (My favorite being pressing F13 triggering
> "xsendkeys Alt+Tab".) Can somebody fix this, please? (Or at least figure out
> why it doesn't work?)
> Using Kubuntu KDE packages, KDE 4.0.3.

Comment 67 Andrew J. Ford 2008-11-15 18:47:47 UTC
If you could post a couple of source files to look at to get this, then I could help resolve this.
Comment 68 Rolf Offermanns 2008-11-30 10:38:02 UTC
So KDE4.2 is around the corner... Is there any chance to have khotkeys working in 4.2?
Comment 69 Kilgore Trout 2008-12-19 05:21:42 UTC
(In reply to comment #68)
> So KDE4.2 is around the corner... Is there any chance to have khotkeys working
> in 4.2?

Keyboard shortcuts may be working by KDE4.5, but it is low on the priority list.  New, shinier desktop widgets will take precedence.

Who uses keyboard shortcuts anyway?  Personally I want a new desktop stock ticker.  Keep up the good work KDE team!
Comment 70 Andres Järv 2008-12-19 08:27:46 UTC
Work pretty much perfectly for me in the 4.2 betas.
Comment 71 FiNeX 2008-12-20 13:48:48 UTC
Please, could you (bug commenters and people on CC) try KDE 4.2 beta2 and check the current situation?

Many thanks!
Comment 72 Meghazi Fabien 2008-12-20 13:56:57 UTC
Works for me on 4.2 beta2 (kubuntu)

I can configure AND use global shortcuts, menu editor shortcut and user defined shorcuts.

Comment 73 Vedran Furač 2008-12-20 18:42:22 UTC
Global shortcuts work in 4.2 thanks to Michael Jansen, see his comment:

"With KDE 4.2 we will have some improvements but i can't say how much. Global Key Shortuts work in trunk. But nothing else. No conditions and none of the other Trigger types."

So if you want this report can be closed and few more can be opened requesting features still not present. For example I opened: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161009 which I miss the most.
Comment 74 FiNeX 2008-12-20 19:01:59 UTC
Thanks Vedran: please open wishes about unimplemented feature. I'm closing this bug as fixed.
Comment 75 William Hilton 2008-12-24 02:14:37 UTC
Alright, alright, as the bug opener, I'll let you guys mark this as fixed. But I suggest we still use this thread to coordinate the separate feature request bugs, since so many people are subscribed to this bug. So far we have:

Bug 161009: Multi-key shortcuts are broken in KDE4
Bug 178632: Non-implemented features still configurable in Input Actions GUI

I added 178632, because I think it's digusting that the GUI does not give users any kind of hint that many of the features in Input Actions aren't implemented.
Comment 76 Andy Lavarre 2009-01-01 01:34:58 UTC
Happy New Year to all, especially Lubos. This is prolly my favorite app.

I see that the problem is "fixed" for KDE 4.5, but I just installed SuSE 11.1 with KDE 4.11. What would it take for me to download a fix or patch that should make it operable on my current install?

Kind regards, Andy
Comment 77 stefnn 2009-01-06 00:15:56 UTC
well for me (kde4.2 beta 2 - using gentoo kde-testing overlay),
khotkeys only works (for the current session) after going to systemsettings -> kded modules. Then stoping khotkeys and starting it again.
When loggin out and loggin in again they are no longer working (until khotkeys is restarted manually).
Comment 78 Ivan Wong 2009-01-18 20:39:38 UTC
(In reply to comment #69)
> Who uses keyboard shortcuts anyway?  Personally I want a new desktop stock
> ticker.  Keep up the good work KDE team!

At least 1557 people who have voted for this ticket. Personally I don't care about desktop stock ticker but I think I wouldn't ask a question like "Who uses desktop stock ticker?". Everybody has his/her own preferences ;) 
Comment 79 William Hilton 2009-01-26 01:48:40 UTC
I just want to say how happy I am now that I've got 4.2beta installed and custom global hotkeys work again! (It's so nice to be able to switch windows by hitting the CapsLock key again, lol.) xbindkeys was OK, but didn't integrate with KDE's launch feedback (the bouncing mouse cursor), so it's a much nicer experience using the official KDE input actions. I know it must have been a lot of hard work to get it to work with the new global shortcut key management system, but I really appreciate it! Thank you so much!
Comment 80 Neil Skrypuch 2009-02-01 21:26:52 UTC
Mouse gestures are still totally broken in KDE 4.2, see bug 166942 for that.
Comment 81 dE 2011-04-24 07:14:47 UTC
This problem is back!
Comment 82 dE 2011-04-24 07:16:07 UTC
This problem is back!
Comment 83 Adam Porter 2011-05-19 03:33:57 UTC
Yes, it is back.  I set a Meta+Z hotkey to launch a program by editing its entry in the KDE Menu Editor, but it doesn't work at all.  I also see it listed in System Settings/Shortcuts and Gestures/Global Keyboard Shortcuts/khotkeys, but it doesn't do anything, period.  I tried setting it to Ctrl+Alt+Z but it also didn't work.  Do we need to file a new bug, since I can't unresolve this?
Comment 84 dE 2011-05-20 05:17:41 UTC
(In reply to comment #83)
> Yes, it is back.  I set a Meta+Z hotkey to launch a program by editing its
> entry in the KDE Menu Editor, but it doesn't work at all.  I also see it listed
> in System Settings/Shortcuts and Gestures/Global Keyboard Shortcuts/khotkeys,
> but it doesn't do anything, period.  I tried setting it to Ctrl+Alt+Z but it
> also didn't work.  Do we need to file a new bug, since I can't unresolve this?

Systemsettings > input actions > check kmenuedit.
Comment 85 Adam Porter 2011-05-20 11:15:57 UTC
Whoa.  Thank you for that.

That is unintuitive, to say the least.  Why is it not turned on by
default?  Maybe that's the bug that should be filed.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 22:17, dE <de.techno@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=160892
> --- Comment #84 from dE <de techno gmail com>  2011-05-20 05:17:41 ---
> (In reply to comment #83)
>> Yes, it is back.  I set a Meta+Z hotkey to launch a program by editing its
>> entry in the KDE Menu Editor, but it doesn't work at all.  I also see it listed
>> in System Settings/Shortcuts and Gestures/Global Keyboard Shortcuts/khotkeys,
>> but it doesn't do anything, period.  I tried setting it to Ctrl+Alt+Z but it
>> also didn't work.  Do we need to file a new bug, since I can't unresolve this?
> Systemsettings > input actions > check kmenuedit.
> --
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