Version: 0.9.3 (using KDE 3.5.8) OS: Linux Suggestion to add more options for a mouse wheel to the Lighttable settings. Currently mouse wheel dont do "anything" for slide-list on a lighttable. Setting 1. Mouse wheel up/down action over slide-list adds image to left or right side of view, for fast adding. Setting 2. Mouse wheel up/down action scrolls list to left/right (if user dont have scroll what has a sidescroll, alt+wheel currently/over slider). Setting 3. Mouse wheel up/down action over slide-list adds/remove rating stars of active picture.
Please, please, please, use the right digiKam 'component' when you create a new report in bugzilla. Thanks in advance Gilles
What do you mean by slide-list? The thumbbar? If so, all your three described actions use the same mouse moves? Or am I getting something wrong here? Setting 2) is already implemented, the thumbbar will slide if it is able to do so (if enough images are put in). Setting 1) could be done with something like ALT+MouseWheelUp / Down. Setting 3) could also be done, maybe with the CTRL Key... If I find the time, I will try to write a patch. Andi
Andi, i'm agree with 1) For point 2), take a care than with KDE4 port the code must be changed indeep and this feature can be add for ex to rate using mouse under a thumb directly (in this case rating widget is displayed under thumb object). There is another file in B.K.O about. Gilles
Andi, - Setting 3 is already implemented with rating on the fly over thumb. - Setting 1 is simply already implemented. - Setting 2 still todo... Gilles Caulier
Fri13, What's about this file using last digiKam 4.2.0 ? Gilles Caulier
Thank you for the bug report. As this report hasn't seen any changes in 5 years or more, we ask if you can please confirm that the issue still persists. If this bug is no longer persisting or relevant please change the status to resolved.
For me almost entries from original report are implemented. If not, new entries in bugzilla must be created