Version: 0.6 (using KDE KDE 4.0.0) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux I was trying to print a PDF that was to be printed as a landscape. I noticed that it was printing vertically; it was as if it was printing the PDF as a portrait. So I went and tried to print it again with "Portrait" selected. This time the PDF printed as a landscape. Very weird; it seems the two options were reversed somehow.
Hej Thomas, could you send us a test document, please? Or is it reproducable with any document? Ciao, Tobias
Created attachment 23810 [details] the pdf Sure thing. When I print this as landscape, about a third of the printed page is cut off. However when I print the pdf as a portrait, the printed paper prints as it should, as a landscape. This is the only PDF I've seen that does this.
Can you still reproduce this bug with recent KDE and QT versions ? (KDE 4.1 or 4.0.5 and QT 4.4)
Got this problem with all my PDF files on Fedora 9 systems. I reported this bug to the Fedora comunity: It still persists in version which was released today.
This week's updates of kde and cups for Fedora 9 solved the problem at my system
Hi, I think I have a pretty similar problem like the described one. If you have a pdf which is already formated as landscape (like the attachment) and you print with the landscape option, it will cut off after ~ 2/3 of the page. If you set the alignment to portrait it will be printed correctly. okular 0.7.1
Can anyone still reproduce this bug with a recent KDE version? (4.1.3 / 4.2beta2 / 4.2svn) ? Thanks :)
Apparently this is a bug in the CUPS packages for any debian-based distro. It has been fixed in Debian experimental and Kubuntu Jaunty. (See