The timeadjust plugin calls utime() on selected images. In some situations, having mtime or any other file property changed is not desired as the user only wants to change the timestamp in application's internal database. Could you please add checkbox that'd disable call to utime()? Essentialy I'd like to be able to invoke nothing besides this: KIPI::ImageInfo info = d->interface->info(url); QDateTime dateTime = info.time(); dateTime = updateTime(info.path(), info.time()); info.setTime(dateTime);
re-assigned to digiKam. new settings is now avaialble in kipi-host application and kipi-plugins will play with it to enable disable call to utime() Gilles Caulier
SVN commit 908176 by cgilles: use metadat settings from kipi host BUG: 155593 M +7 -7 timeadjustdialog.cpp M +3 -3 timeadjustdialog.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 908190 by cgilles: Raw converter kipi-plugins from trunk: use metadata settings from kipi host fix swap Red and blue color with libkdcraw based on LibRaw CCBUG: 155593 M +3 -2 actionthread.cpp M +4 -4 actionthread.h M +2 -2 batchdialog.cpp M +1 -1 batchdialog.h M +24 -2 rawdecodingiface.cpp M +8 -2 rawdecodingiface.h M +2 -2 singledialog.cpp M +1 -1 singledialog.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 908250 by cgilles: JPEGLossLess kipi-plugin from trunk: use metadata settings from kipi host fix Exif thumbnail update with Convert to grayscale CCBUG: 155593 BUG: 179439 M +10 -44 actionthread.cpp M +4 -4 actionthread.h M +29 -6 convert2grayscale.cpp M +5 -4 convert2grayscale.h M +8 -7 imageflip.cpp M +5 -4 imageflip.h M +8 -6 imagerotate.cpp M +5 -4 imagerotate.h M +12 -3 jpegtransform.cpp M +23 -25 jpegtransform.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 908452 by cgilles: MetadataEdit kipi-plugin from trunk: use metadata settings from kipi host CCBUG: 155593 M +8 -1 exifeditdialog.cpp M +1 -1 exifeditdialog.h M +8 -1 iptceditdialog.cpp M +1 -1 iptceditdialog.h M +50 -1 plugin_metadataedit.cpp M +1 -1 plugin_metadataedit.h M +8 -1 xmpeditdialog.cpp M +1 -1 xmpeditdialog.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 908457 by cgilles: GPSSync kipi-plugin from trunk: use metadata settings from kipi host CCBUG: 155593 M +8 -4 gpslistviewitem.cpp M +1 -1 gpslistviewitem.h M +20 -4 plugin_gpssync.cpp M +1 -1 plugin_gpssync.h WebSVN link: