Version: 3.97 (using KDE Devel) Installed from: Compiled sources Compiler: gcc version 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52) OS: Linux When I try to input CJK character in KWrite/Kate by SCIM or fcitx input method,its render order is incorrected. In short:Newly inputed word/character will insert to the left side of previously word instead of right side.This is incorrect behaviour for LTR language. e.g:When I enter "zhineng",it should display "智能",that's OK.After that when I continue to enter "shuru",it should render "输入" after "智能"(similarity to all other LTR language),but in KWrite/Kate it render "输入" before "智能" in practice,similarity to some RTL language.:P The matter also appears in Gentoo. By the way,I've try to set or unset "QT_IM_MODULE=xim" and remove all katepart's JS scripts and plugins,but problem exists. In other KDE4 program like Konqueror/Okular/Konsole,no such problem.So I commit the report to katepart component.
KDE 4.0.0,no problem now.:)