Bug 151241 - Display Transkoded (smaller) File Sizes in Transfer UI Instead of Original Sizes
Summary: Display Transkoded (smaller) File Sizes in Transfer UI Instead of Original Sizes
Alias: None
Product: amarok
Classification: Applications
Component: Tools/Script Manager (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Amarok Developers
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Reported: 2007-10-23 17:36 UTC by Andrew Ash
Modified: 2007-10-24 03:14 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Andrew Ash 2007-10-23 17:36:45 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.8)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages
OS:                Linux

(forwarded from Kubuntu at launchpad.net/bugs/107289 )

I use an iRiver ifp device and transKode with Amarok. When trying to cram a specific playlist onto the 128MB device at the highest possible quality I stumbled upon a minor user interface bug. The status bar immediately under the Transfer Queue container gives the size of the files on disk regardless of the settings chosen in transKode.

For example, adding a 20 MB flac file to the queue with transKode set to convert it to a 64kbps mp3 file results in a queue size of 20MB. Of course the resulting mp3 file will be about 1/10th the size of the flac.

My suggestions: If there is a way for Amarok to know what size the playlist will be after transKoding that number should be used instead. If not, an estimated guess would be useful. If nothing else a note in the tooltip or status bar that the transfer size may change depending on transkode settings would make it clear where the number comes from.

This may be more of a bug in the transKode script than Amarok itself, but it's the end behavior that's more important than where the change in the code is made.
Comment 1 Seb Ruiz 2007-10-23 23:06:24 UTC
I'm pretty sure it is impossible to determine the re encoded filesize, without having done the conversion first.

Please reopen if I am incorrect and you know of a way to do it.
Comment 2 Andrew Ash 2007-10-24 03:08:40 UTC
I think you're correct that it's impossible to predict the new file's size, but is it possible to simply tell that the files will be re-encoded?  If so, a note can be added next to the queue size to the effect of "20MB (fewer when transkoded)" or something of the sort.

The best that can be done is a UI change at this point, because accurately predicting file size is impossible.
Comment 3 Seb Ruiz 2007-10-24 03:14:28 UTC
Whilst this may be helpful, it certainly won't happen for 1.4. We will consider it for Amarok 2. Please leave the bug closed.