Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.6) Installed from: Mandriva RPMs OS: Linux Downloaded digkiam 0.92 and all libs that it needs For each, I do the following: ./configure --prefix=/home/build/xav make make install Fine for the libs However, when building digikam 0.92, it complains it can't find include files for libkdcraw. The libs are well installed within /home/build/xav/include I have to do: ./configure --prefix=/home/xav/build --with-extra-includes=/home/xav/build/include/ to allow build. To me, I should not have to --with-extra-includes=/home/xav/build/include since the libkdcraw/lib/pkg-config is correct (with the right include path). I would say that something is either wrong in the configure scripts or I don't build it correctly ? (I'm quite new in trying to build at non usual location) Thanks !
I think the behaviour you are seeing is correct. Digikam's configure step cannot look in all possible paths on your harddrive for needed header files. It will certainly check a few standard locations like /usr/include, but if the needed headers are installed in a custom directory like /home/xav/build/include, it's only fair that you have to tell digikam's installation to look for them there. Marking as INVALID, please reopen if you disagree.
Just one additional comment: In principle, you might even have to specify the libs: ./configure --prefix=$DKPATH --with-extra-includes=$DKPATH/include \ --with-extra-libs=$DKPATH/lib (I think I had cases where this was necessary ...) Also it is worth mentioning, that there is a problem for the kde-imaging part to find a self-compiled exiv2 (if exiv2 is already in /usr/) due to an ordering problem in the configure script, see In general, for installing from svn, the procedure at under "Install digiKam in your Home Directory" usually works without problems.
Thanks all ! However... I would have expect the libkdcraw.pc to be used because it contains the real path of the include in it (/home/xav/build/include). Looks like configure, at least of this part, is not taking full advantage of pkg-config..
Yes, this is definitely a bug (I'm referring to version 0.9.2-final here). The configure process finds the libkdcraw package-config file and sets variables in the Makefile, which in my case are: LIBKDCRAW_CFLAGS = -I/opt/kde3apps/include LIBKDCRAW_LIBS = -L/opt/kde3apps/lib -lkdcraw The problem is that these variables are never used. Digikam certainly shouldn't search the entire drive for includes, but it seems reasonable that if it does find a package, it should use it, regardless of where it's installed. I'm not sure if bugs marked resolved continue to be tracked, so I'll open a new report in a few days if it appears that no one saw this.
Hi, can you tell us o which version of libkdraw you are using? o the output of make with the error msg? FWIW, IMHO --prefix should be enough if prefix for the involved pkgs are the same. If not it needs to be fixed. Everything in $prefix, include, libs, .pc files etc should have automaticly get highest precedence. Achim
Same problem as in bug 147269. I've fixed it right now in SVN. Digikam builds now fine with libkexif/libkdcraw install in /HERE/ARE/THEY using: PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/HERE/ARE/THEY/lib/pkgconfig ../configure --prefix=/foo/bar Achim
Achim, thanks a lot - this is a big relief! Best, Arnd