Bug 145179 - Thank you Kmail for these last 5 years
Summary: Thank you Kmail for these last 5 years
Alias: None
Product: kmail
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
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Reported: 2007-05-08 11:46 UTC by Verdi March
Modified: 2007-05-08 19:35 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Verdi March 2007-05-08 11:46:33 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.6)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs

Firstly, I truly apologize for sending this message through the
bug report system, as I don't want to subscribe to a milis just
for sending one email.

I would like to thank KMail developers and community members
for this good software. Unfortunately, recent incidents of IMAP
accesses, in which I just lost a lots of valuable emails, have
made me to switch to Thunderbird. Please consider this report as
my feedback to KMail.

Until today, I've been using KMail for about 5 since 2002 (suse
7.2). I've tried out Thunderbird, and it is very very fast for IMAP.
But, I still persist using KMail because usability wise (actually I
really hate uttering this slogan), KMail is very convenient and

Examples where KMail is, at least for me, better than Thunderbird:
1. goto next/previous message using left/right arrow.
2. sweep through read-once-and-then-removed threads with
   keystrokes only. This is mainly because when I "select/block"
   messages (with shift+left_click or Shift+left_arrow), it still
   displays the focused message in the message preview pane. 
3. Globally enabled threaded display for all folders. In Thunderbird,
   each folder needs to be configured individually.

My familiarity with KMail makes me unwilling to switch to Thunderbird
eventhough it is faster on accessing IMAP. Even if I've experienced
more crashes when accessing IMAP servers.

However, in just a couple of hours, I lost many of my valuable emails,
all due to IMAP operations:
1. I **copied** messages from one IMAP folder to another IMAP
   folder. KMail then crashes. After restarting KMail, I attempted to
   repeat the copying because I wanted to be sure all messages have
   been copied. So I deleted all messages from the new folder and
   went to the old folder. The results: old folder contained zero
   messages, which suggests that KMail actually performed **move**
   operations instead of copy operations
   I tested copy/move with Thunderbird, and it really performs copy
   as copy, and move as move.

2. I have one IMAP folder, as a parent, consisting of many IMAP
   subfolders. I renamed the parent folder. After that, all my
   subfolders disappeared. Those subfolders are emails containing
   attached documents, presentations slides, and papers in pdf.
   They're now gone :(
   PS: appreciated for suggestions on how to recover those subfolders.

While I'm still feeling uneasy about the above incidents, I do
realize and appreciate the efforts that KMail team has put.
I hope that for KDE4, KMail can improve its IMAP supports. More
importantly, do not cause lost of emails.

Peace :)
Comment 1 Thomas McGuire 2007-05-08 16:52:10 UTC
1. Already reported, bug 144960
2. Already reported, bug 133339. Hope the workaround there recovers your data.

Yes, the IMAP support in KMail is indeed very flaky. I too hope that Akonadi in KDE4 will improve the situation.

Nevertheless I have to close this report as INVALID (all issues reported here are already reported elsewhere).
Comment 2 Verdi March 2007-05-08 18:23:16 UTC
Thanks for the quick response and especially for pointing out bug 133339.

I have to admit that the original post, which was a kind of parting shot
to this good program, was submitted when I was in a panic state :).
All because those child subfolders (2nd bug) contains mails which are
are much more important than those really lost in the 1st bug.
Comment 3 Thomas McGuire 2007-05-08 19:35:33 UTC
>Nevertheless I have to close this report as INVALID
Forgot that earlier.