Version: 1.0rc6 (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: SuSE RPMs OS: Linux In k3b 1.0RC5 (from Packman) and 1.0RC6 (self-compiled from official sources) data verification doesn't work or even start for DVDs. I'm using openSUSE 10.2 in my Thinkpad, so the CD tray has to be closed manually. In case of a CD, it will ejected after burning is complete an a window telling that no medium is found will be displayed ("Found Media: No Medium found. Unable to close the tray"). When then the disc will loaded manually, the warning will disappear and data verification will start. So: Behaviour in case of burning and verifying a CD seems to be perfectly as it should be. But when burning to a DVD, there will be no message about the missing disk, k3b displays "verifying track 0" but nothing happened (ok, there can't anything happen, because tray isn't closed). But when I close the tray, k3b doesn't notice that, so even after closing the tray, nothing will happen, too. I think, k3b should behave in case of DVDs like when burning CDs: Displaying an info message saying that tray can't closed automatically, waiting for user loading the media and then begin to verify.
Sorry, it seems that I didn't understand the bug reporting assistant correctly, so I made a mistake. To clarify: The displayed "Platform: SuSE RPMs" isn't correct at all. For nearly all KDE components, I'm using RPMs provided by Suse, but NOT for k3b! With the Suse-supplied k3b (0.12.17) everything is fine! This report is for the current 1.0RC5 and 1.0RC6 which are not included in openSUSE 10.2...
I have the same problem on Gentoo GNU/Linux, with K3b 1.0.1 (under KDE 3.5.7), using the Gentoo Linux ebuild (app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1-r1). Someone else has the same problem on Debian GNU/Linux, using K3b 1.0: In my case, the DVD tray closes itself automatically. Then, I only get the above-mentioned "Verifying track 0" status message. Opening and closing the tray myself, after this, does not change anything. Note that, in my case (if this is not the case with the original reporter, and the mentioned Debian user), there is no problem when *starting* a multisession DVD. The verification is done without problem. The problem happens when *continuing* a multisession DVD. I guess there is no problem when burning a single-session DVD. If I configure K3b not to open the DVD tray, it will still open and close it, but the verification will be done correctly... (and the DVD tray will not be opened automatically, after the verification). (Well, when testing this, I also used the "Import a previously burned session into the current project" button -which should be far more visible, by the way :)-, which I did not use previously, so this might also be why it worked, I don't know...).
I have absolutely the same problem on fedora8 - version 1.0.4 except when you check "K3b not to open the DVD tray" disk is verifided
In my case the DVD burn completed and then hung while verifying. I did not see if the tray ejected or not, I was out of the room. Ifound K3b trying to verify the track but nothing was happening, moving the mouse would cause the cursor to freeze then jump to the new location. I hit the eject button on the burner and after a few seconds the tray opened and the system "unfroze". I hit the button again and the tray slid back in and the data verification continued sucessfully. I am using Mandriva 2008 on an i586-32 system with an HP DVD840 burner. I assume that all the software is up to date since the live install (and my Linux experience) are both only 3 days old. I saved the debug report from K3b and can send it if needed.
Re Ray Wagner's Additional Comment #4: My drive only burns CDs. I don't get any hangs or freezes, and ejecting the tray and reinserting it makes no difference. K3B just sits there "Verifying track 0", displays no progress, and never quits.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 156684 ***