Version: 1.5.4 (using KDE 3.5.4, compiled sources) Compiler: Target: x86_64-mandriva-linux-gnu OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.17-8mdv Understanding when I delete something from the whole model or just the diagram is not clear on the GUI. I think there should be two separate items on all Popup menus: Remove from diagram and Delete 1. Create class1 on diagram1 2. Drag it to diagram2 from the model 3. Create class2 on diagram1 4. Inherit it from Class1 5. Drag class2 to Diagram2 Result: the inheritance arrow is shown. Right. 6. Delete Class2 from Diagram2 7. Drag it back again Result: inheritance is shown. Right. 8. Delete inheritance on Diagram2 9. View diagram 1, the inheritance is still there! Result: Wrong?? Did I delete the assiciation or I removed it from Diagram2's VIEW? 10. Remove Class1 from Diagram1 (which is still connected) 11. Drag it back from the model. Result: Inheritance is gone! So I deleted it, but graph was not updated! Deleting a Class from a diagram keeps class, but deleting an association deletes it? If this is so, then "Delete" menu of the class should be "Remove from diagram". And Deletion of association should be "Delete"? Please make it clear whenever I am deleting something or just removing from the current view. When I am not Deleting a class or association, it should be clear, that I am NOT deleting it. (Deletion of items should have a confirmation dialog.) Thanks in advance!
see also bug 124587
Git commit 37f9014cb0afb897c261d7f70cdf10ad7d467497 by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 28/03/2018 at 00:46. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. Rename 'Delete' in widget context menu for cloneable widgets to 'Remove' When deleting cloneable widgets (widgets that have a related uml object), are in fact removed from the scene, so the associated context menu entry should match that. M +2 -0 umbrello/icon_utils.cpp M +1 -0 umbrello/icon_utils.h M +7 -2 umbrello/listpopupmenu.cpp M +1 -0 umbrello/listpopupmenu.h M +1 -1 umbrello/umlwidgets/widgetbase.cpp
Git commit 12c5ed24e79080f922d9cae1eae02cc41dde118e by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 05/04/2018 at 20:35. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. In UMLScene::deleteSelection() fix number of selection count UMLScene::selectedWidgets() returns widgets based on class UMLWidget, which includes message widgets, but not association widgets. M +3 -4 umbrello/umlscene.cpp
Git commit 5439692a2ab11fcb472f0b9b116b94f493579a2c by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 10/04/2018 at 21:15. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. Ask user for permission to delete an association from a diagram using the context menu This commit includes a fix for deleting associations (message widgets) in sequence diagrams without confirmation. FIXED-IN:2.25.80 (KDE Applications 18.07.80) M +1 -0 umbrello/CMakeLists.txt M +21 -0 umbrello/dialogs/dialog_utils.cpp M +1 -0 umbrello/dialogs/dialog_utils.h A +142 -0 umbrello/dialogs/dontaskagain.cpp [License: GPL (v2+)] A +116 -0 umbrello/dialogs/dontaskagain.h [License: GPL (v2+)] M +5 -1 umbrello/dialogs/settingsdialog.cpp M +2 -0 umbrello/dialogs/settingsdialog.h M +15 -11 umbrello/umlscene.cpp M +2 -0 umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidget.cpp M +5 -2 umbrello/umlwidgets/messagewidget.cpp M +7 -0 umbrello/umlwidgets/widgetbase.cpp
Git commit b51894d1a3178205b8aacfd8211514909ccd8695 by Ralf Habacker. Committed on 10/04/2018 at 21:15. Pushed by habacker into branch 'master'. Add "don't ask again" checkbox to Dialog_Utils::askDeleteDiagram() M +21 -0 umbrello/dialogs/dialog_utils.cpp M +1 -0 umbrello/dialogs/dialog_utils.h M +1 -6 umbrello/umldoc.cpp M +1 -4 umbrello/umlscene.cpp looks odd... Could you please check the status?
(In reply to Christoph Feck from comment #6) > looks odd... > > Could you please check the status? Thanks for this pointer, see
I've taken a look and based on what has taken place in the history it looks like the two commits have raced each other when being processed by the hooks - hence why the history is a bit weird.