Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.6) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages In the Make Options tab there is a "More than one job" check box that doesn't work (it uses the parameter inside the spinbox it is checked or not). I'm using 3.4 svn version.
Confiredm. Next time please state which build system you're using. (Its working for custom and automake)
SVN commit 632221 by apaku: Don't add -j if the option is turned off BUG:141470 M +2 -1 trollprojectwidget.cpp --- branches/kdevelop/3.4/buildtools/qmake/trollprojectwidget.cpp #632220:632221 @@ -2017,8 +2017,9 @@ } if ( !DomUtil::readBoolEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/make/abortonerror" ) ) cmdline += " -k"; + bool runmultiple = DomUtil::readBoolEntry(dom, "/kdevautoproject/make/runmultiplejobs"); int jobs = DomUtil::readIntEntry( dom, "/kdevtrollproject/make/numberofjobs" ); - if ( jobs != 0 ) + if ( jobs != 0 && runmultiple ) { cmdline += " -j"; cmdline += QString::number( jobs );