Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: SuSE RPMs OS: Linux There is new mail in my IMAP-inbox. If I click on a local folder and then back on the IMAP inbox the unread messages are shown but then get removed one by one from the message list. The progress dialogue shows that they are retrieved from the IMAP-server. Straight after they are all removed (only the unread ones) they re-appear as new (red) in the message-list again and the progress dialogue shows that they are uploaded. Expected behaviour would be to just ckec for new emails and do not remove any from the list and certainly not upload anything or mark unread (blue) mails as new (red).
The email gets downloaded after that it is marked as deleted on the server and then re-uploaded. I wonder what happens if the user aborts the re-uploading because the connection is cut off or something similiar. If it is not re-uploaded and the "to be deleted" emails get deleted on the next sync this is a data-loss bug!
In fact, canceling the re-uploading leaves the messages as "to be deleted" which results in those emails not being downloaded again, hence they are lost. Please increase the bug to grave.
This is probably related to message-filters. See bug #125084 for more information.
I consider that IMAP missbehaviour as solved in the KDE 4.3 line. Please report if I'm wrong.