Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux After confirming, that a SMS should be deleted, it nevertheless persists in the SMS listing. (SE K700i on /dev/rfcomm0, tried with "mode2" enabled and disabled) Thanks for kmobiletools, great enhancements, since I tried last time!
Please test this in current svn. I won't close this, if it's a common problem in both stable and svn, but a lot of changes were made in the engine, so a new test is needed.
Again, closing the bug within a week if i'll have no more information/confirmations.
Since I can't currently afford the time to build kde from svn I have to wait for new version of kmobiletools to get into Debian unstable. If it should be possible to just compile this module separately on top of my current system (KDE3.5.5 Debian testing), I would be pleased to get some advice.
simply look the subversion howto in kmobiletools homepage..
Hello! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this project has been unmaintained for many years and I will be closing this bug.