Version: (using KDE KDE 3.5.1) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux Hi Community. Being a backup freak, I like to be sure all data gets copied regularly - and, around the KDE Pim suite, it's not obvious which files from .kde are part of it. Being a highly mobile, always moving for work guy, I like to get all my PIM stuff with me, useable even when not with my laptop or a palm pilot. My wish is then as fiollow: 1) re-structure location of all Kontact files, configs, data & so on under one .kdepim_username folder. (with lots of subfoilders, & carefully managed permissions settings). 2) allow the end user to define where is located this Global Folder, including usb drives, net drives, online ressources... 3) allow creation of several references to .kdepim_username into one instance of kontact, provide easy management (open / close) of them. outcome: 1) provide Ultimate Peace Of Mind backup/restore. 2) Allow people to truly define target data/configs folders, for extra flexibility in useage. 3)allow people "moving" from location (geographic), computers (hardware, OS's) to carry and update their PIM without fuss, without creating duplicates. past experiences/justification: Yes, I dare to say the word: Outlook-like... Thats something I loved about .pst files, I was carryibg them on a flash, a single thing that I can open amost everywhere & backup in a single click. But I am not asking for compatibility, I think compatibilty comes closer to a dream than to a wish. thanks reading/voting this. Jean-Philippe Monteiro, Phnom Pneh CAMBODIA
If not obvious, the list of Data to be present is Kmail, Calendar, Todo's, AdressBook, journal, notes,... + all configs. I understand any development of a new applet to go "in" kde-pim could easily follow the directory guidelines.
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***