Bug 134567 - Reload button doesn't fully reload
Summary: Reload button doesn't fully reload
Alias: None
Product: kst
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.10.0
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 2.0.3
Assignee: kst
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Reported: 2006-09-24 02:55 UTC by Matthew Truch
Modified: 2011-01-19 20:23 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Matthew Truch 2006-09-24 02:55:58 UTC
Version:           1.3.0 (using KDE KDE 3.5.1)
OS:                Linux

The reload button does not refresh remote (http) data.  The user expects that when reload is pressed, everything is checked for possible changes and reloaded as neccesary.
Comment 1 George Staikos 2006-09-29 05:03:33 UTC
This one is particularly interesting.  reset() is implemented as a fast-path 
in ascii.  It bypasses the long routine for performance reasons.  As a 
result, the file isn't downloaded again.  Making this properly efficient and 
functional is not entirely simple.
Comment 2 Netterfield 2007-02-16 23:49:15 UTC
Shouldn't reload.... reload?  The user expects this to be slow.  The ascii file should be reparsed.

Is this related to 115670?
Comment 3 George Staikos 2007-02-16 23:53:12 UTC
This is one of the challenges of KIO integration at the moment.  We reparse the file - we don't refetch it.
Comment 4 Peter Kümmel 2010-08-14 14:15:54 UTC
Could be still open in Kst 1.
Comment 5 Netterfield 2011-01-14 22:58:07 UTC
Fixed for 2.x
Wontfix for 1.x