Bug 127254 - [Artist] feat. [artist] should be available under both artist names.
Summary: [Artist] feat. [artist] should be available under both artist names.
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 90095
Alias: None
Product: amarok
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.3.7
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Amarok Developers
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Reported: 2006-05-13 14:41 UTC by Pascal d'Hermilly
Modified: 2006-06-11 12:32 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Pascal d'Hermilly 2006-05-13 14:41:18 UTC
Version:           1.3.7 (using KDE KDE 3.5.2)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

When you have a song where artist or title is "[artist_1]/[title] feat. [artist_2]" amarok should recognise this and then you can find the song under artist_2 also :-)

That would make amarok rock even more :-)
Comment 1 Peter C. Ndikuwera 2006-05-13 19:12:05 UTC
This has been discussed several times. No easy way to determine the "conjunction" between artist_1 & artist_2.

You can use "feat", "f", "featuring", "with", etc, etc. 

Or all the above encased in () brackets.

The permutations are endless.

If you search through the bugs list, you'll find some discussion on potential solutions.
Comment 2 Pascal d'Hermilly 2006-05-13 21:22:57 UTC
yeah, I've been thinking about that afterwards... The best thing would really be be if it was possible to use some sort of metatags so you could just label it both one artist and another.. But I suppose that would have to be done manually.
Comment 3 Peter C. Ndikuwera 2006-05-14 08:07:23 UTC
I believe most formats support the AlbumArtist tag, and we're hoping to use that in the next version (1.4.1?) of amaroK
Comment 4 Pascal d'Hermilly 2006-05-14 12:38:24 UTC
I never heard about the AlbumArtist tag, is it available in mp3 too?
Comment 5 Alexandre Oliveira 2006-05-16 18:03:38 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 90095 ***