Version: 1.3.1 (using KDE KDE 3.5.2) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Compiler: Compiled by Ubuntu for Dapper Drake snapshot OS: Linux The docs imply that the "Show File Info" menu option will display and edit the EXIF comment. I have existing JPGs with EXIF comment fields, and the comments don't display in GwenView. It just shows up as "Type here to add a comment to this image". Here is a dump from exifprobe of one of these images: File Name = crw_6382.jpg File Type = JPEG File Size = 675687 @000000000=0 : <JPEG_SOI> @0x0000002=2 : <JPEG_APP0> 0xffe0 length 16, 'JFIF' @0x000000b=11 : Version = 1.1 @0x000000d=13 : Units = 'dots/inch' @0x000000e=14 : Xdensity = 300 @0x0000010=16 : Ydensity = 300 @0x0000012=18 : XThumbnail = 0 @0x0000013=19 : YThumbnail = 0 @0x0000013=19 : </JPEG_APP0> @0x0000014=20 : <JPEG_APP1> 0xffe1 length 7192, 'Exif' @0x000001e=30 : TIFF(II=0x4949) magic=0x002a='*\0' ifd offset = 12 (+ 30 = 0x2a/42) @0x000002a=42 : <IFD 0> 3 entries starting at file offset 0x2c=44 @0x000002c=44 : <0x010f= 271> Make [2 =ASCII 6] = @0x54=84 @0x0000038=56 : <0x0110= 272> Model [2 =ASCII 14] = @0x5a=90 @0x0000044=68 : <0x8769=34665> ExifIFDPointer [4 =LONG 1] = @0x68=104 @0x0000050=80 : **** next IFD offset 836(+ 30 = 0x362/866) @0x0000054=84 : ============= VALUES, IFD 0 ============ @0x0000054=84 : Make = 'Canon\0' @0x000005a=90 : Model = 'Canon EOS 10D\0' @0x0000068=104 : <EXIF IFD> (in IFD 0) 31 entries starting at file offset 0x6a=106 @0x000006a=106 : <0x013b= 315> Artist [2 =ASCII 1] = '\000' @0x0000076=118 : <0x829a=33434> ExposureTime [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x1e2=482 @0x0000082=130 : <0x829d=33437> FNumber [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x1ea=490 @0x000008e=142 : <0x8822=34850> ExposureProgram [3 =SHORT 1] = 1 = 'Manual' @0x000009a=154 : <0x8827=34855> ISOSpeedRatings [3 =SHORT 1] = 200 @0x00000a6=166 : <0x9000=36864> Version [7 =UNDEFINED 4] = '0220' @0x00000b2=178 : <0x9003=36867> DateTimeOriginal [2 =ASCII 20] = @0x1f2=498 @0x00000be=190 : <0x9004=36868> DateTimeDigitized [2 =ASCII 20] = @0x206=518 @0x00000ca=202 : <0x9101=37121> ComponentsConfiguration [7 =UNDEFINED 4] = 1,2,3,0 = 'YCbCr' @0x00000d6=214 : <0x9102=37122> CompressedBitsPerPixel [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x21a=538 @0x00000e2=226 : <0x9201=37377> ShutterSpeedValue [10=SRATIONAL 1] = @0x222=546 @0x00000ee=238 : <0x9202=37378> ApertureValue [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x22a=554 @0x00000fa=250 : <0x9204=37380> ExposureBiasValue [10=SRATIONAL 1] = @0x232=562 @0x0000106=262 : <0x9205=37381> MaxApertureValue [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x23a=570 @0x0000112=274 : <0x9207=37383> MeteringMode [3 =SHORT 1] = 5 = 'Pattern' @0x000011e=286 : <0x9209=37385> Flash [3 =SHORT 1] = 9 = 'flash fired - compulsory' @0x000012a=298 : <0x920a=37386> FocalLength [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x242=578 @0x0000136=310 : <0x9286=37510> UserComment [7 =UNDEFINED 264] = @0x24a=586 @0x0000142=322 : <0xa000=40960> FlashPixVersion [7 =UNDEFINED 4] = '0100' @0x000014e=334 : <0xa001=40961> ColorSpace [3 =SHORT 1] = 1 = 'sRGB' @0x000015a=346 : <0xa002=40962> PixelXDimension [3 =SHORT 1] = 160 @0x0000166=358 : <0xa003=40963> PixelYDimension [3 =SHORT 1] = 120 @0x0000172=370 : <0xa20e=41486> FocalPlaneXResolution [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x352=850 @0x000017e=382 : <0xa20f=41487> FocalPlaneYResolution [5 =RATIONAL 1] = @0x35a=858 @0x000018a=394 : <0xa210=41488> FocalPlaneResolutionUnit [3 =SHORT 1] = 2 = 'pixels per inch' @0x0000196=406 : <0xa217=41495> SensingMethod [3 =SHORT 1] = 2 = 'One-chip color area sensor' @0x00001a2=418 : <0xa300=41728> FileSource [7 =UNDEFINED 1] = 3 = 'undefined' @0x00001ae=430 : <0xa401=41985> CustomRendered [3 =SHORT 1] = 0 = 'Normal' @0x00001ba=442 : <0xa402=41986> ExposureMode [3 =SHORT 1] = 1 = 'Manual' @0x00001c6=454 : <0xa403=41987> WhiteBalance [3 =SHORT 1] = 0 = 'Auto' @0x00001d2=466 : <0xa406=41990> SceneCaptureType [3 =SHORT 1] = 0 = 'Standard' @0x00001de=478 : **** next IFD offset 0 @0x00001e2=482 : ============= VALUES, EXIF IFD ============ @0x00001e2=482 : ExposureTime = 0.0125 sec @0x00001ea=490 : FNumber = 6.3 APEX = 'f8.9' @0x00001f2=498 : DateTimeOriginal = '2006:04:15 17:16:19\0' @0x0000206=518 : DateTimeDigitized = '2006:04:15 17:16:19\0' @0x000021a=538 : CompressedBitsPerPixel = 9 @0x0000222=546 : ShutterSpeedValue = 6.32193 APEX = '0.0125 sec' @0x000022a=554 : ApertureValue = 5.3107 APEX = 'f6.3' @0x0000232=562 : ExposureBiasValue = 0 APEX @0x000023a=570 : MaxApertureValue = 4 APEX = 'f4.0' @0x0000242=578 : FocalLength = 21 mm @0x000024a=586 : UserComment = length 256+8: (CC=ASCII) = 'Coloring Easter eggs \0' @0x0000352=850 : FocalPlaneXResolution = 3443.95 @0x000035a=858 : FocalPlaneYResolution = 3442.02 -0x0000361=865 : </EXIF IFD> @0x0000361=865 : </IFD 0> @0x0000362=866 : <IFD 1> 3 entries starting at file offset 0x364=868 @0x0000364=868 : <0x0103= 259> Compression [3 =SHORT 1] = 6 = 'Exif/old JPEG' @0x0000370=880 : <0x0201= 513> JPEGInterchangeFormat [4 =LONG 1] = @0x38c=908 @0x000037c=892 : <0x0202= 514> JPEGInterchangeFormatLength [4 =LONG 1] = 6306 @0x0000388=904 : **** next IFD offset 0 @0x000038c=908 : #### Start of JPEG thumbnail data for IFD 1, length 6306 #### @0x000038c=908 : <JPEG_SOI> @0x000038e=910 : <JPEG_DQT> length 67 @0x00003d3=979 : <JPEG_DQT> length 67 @0x0000418=1048 : <JPEG_SOF_0> length 17, 8 bits/sample, components=3, width=257, height=170 @0x000042b=1067 : <JPEG_DHT> length 31 table class = 0 table id = 0 @0x000044c=1100 : <JPEG_DHT> length 181 table class = 0 table id = 1 @0x0000503=1283 : <JPEG_DHT> length 31 table class = 1 table id = 0 @0x0000524=1316 : <JPEG_DHT> length 181 table class = 1 table id = 1 @0x00005db=1499 : <JPEG_SOS> length 12 start of JPEG data, 3 components 43690 pixels @0x0001c2c=7212 : <JPEG_EOI> JPEG length 6306 @0x0001c2d=7213 : #### End of JPEG thumbnail data for IFD 1, length 6306 #### @0x0001c2d=7213 : </IFD 1> -0x0001c2d=7213 : </JPEG_APP1> @0x0001c2e=7214 : <JPEG_APP2> 0xffe2 length 3160, ICC_PROFILE - unknown format (not dumped: use -A) -0x0002887=10375 : </JPEG_APP2> @0x0002888=10376 : <JPEG_DQT> length 67 @0x00028cd=10445 : <JPEG_DQT> length 67 @0x0002912=10514 : <JPEG_SOF_0> length 17, 8 bits/sample, components=3, width=3072, height=2040 @0x0002925=10533 : <JPEG_DHT> length 31 table class = 0 table id = 0 @0x0002946=10566 : <JPEG_DHT> length 181 table class = 0 table id = 1 @0x00029fd=10749 : <JPEG_DHT> length 31 table class = 1 table id = 0 @0x0002a1e=10782 : <JPEG_DHT> length 181 table class = 1 table id = 1 @0x0002ad5=10965 : <JPEG_SOS> length 12 start of JPEG data, 3 components 6266880 pixels @0x00a4f65=675685 : <JPEG_EOI> JPEG length 675687 -0x00a4f66=675686 : END OF FILE @000000000=0 : Start of JPEG baseline DCT compressed primary image [3072x2040] length 675687 -0x00a4f66=675686 : End of JPEG primary image data @0x000038c=908 : Start of JPEG baseline DCT compressed reduced-resolution image [257x170] length 6306 (IFD 1) -0x0001c2d=7213 : End of JPEG reduced-resolution image data Number of images = 2 File Format = JPEG/APP0/JFIF/APP1/APP2/TIFF/EXIF
Le Lundi 17 Avril 2006 03:01, Jim Van Donsel a
Bug 274439 looks like a subset of this bug.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 277439 ***
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 274439 ***