Version: 3.5 (using KDE KDE 3.5.0) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux The following might be seen as a nice way to develop local and web-based documentation (or meta-documentation) about certain things we produce using KOffice. In file view in Konqueror, a context-menu link could provide the interface to a 'web view' describing a document with an embedded preview and the file's meta information, including files or URI's that it references or with which it transacts. Overall, this tool might save some considerable effort, particularly should the 'web view' be uploadable to a server or written locally via its context menu options. Those options would be available when viewing the output page or through some other context menu entry available when the file is selected. Long ago it seems someone else asked about editing KOffice files from within Konqueror. This is not the same as that request. Rather, it is a query about whether an alternative to the context 'Properties' tabbed dialog can be made available for those who would rather seen such information in a webpage format, perhaps akin to man:/, info:/ and other entry styles. One difference being that the context menu would link to "meta://path/and/filename.KOfficeExtension".
This looks more like a wish for KOffice applications to produce summarised information. Konqueror will display any HTML and anything it has a plugin for, so this is not a Konqueror wish.
To some extent KOffice programs may have some summarised per-document information already. In my case guess this is partly an issue of learning the ins and outs of plugin preogramming for Konqueror, and also one of working out a bit more clearly what can be done with KOffice document content (parsley).
Withdrawn pending KDE4 development. Report to be moved to wiki.