Version: 2.5.0 (using KDE KDE 3.5.0) Installed from: Unlisted Binary Package It would be nice if it was possible to toggle the whitespace display from the "view" menu instead of having to go to the "configure kate" dialog and navigate all those options.
This problem still persists in kate 3.6.1
in the command line (F7): show white spaces: set-show-tabs 1 hide white spaces: set-show-tabs 0 So you can change it already now without going to the dialog... We can't add actions for every option in the settings dialog. Is the above good enough?
I've tried the "set-show-tabs 1" command but it didn't change anything. I also haven't found the setting in the "Configure Kate..." dialog. Is this feature implemented? Regards Martin
The whitespace highlighting uses the "Tab and space makers" color in the Fonts & Colors tab. Maybe it's the same color as the background color?
Hello, I've attached a screenshot with my setting and how it looks like in kate.
Created attachment 70296 [details] Settings for tabs and spaces and output in kate
Dear user, this wish list item is now closed, as it wasn't touched in the last two years and no contributor stepped up to implement it. The Kate/KTextEditor team is very small and we can just try to keep up with fixing bugs. Therefore wishs that show no activity for two years or more will be closed from now on to keep at least a bit overview about 'current' wishs of the users. If you want your feature to be implemented, please step up to provide some patch for it. If you think it is really needed, you can reopen your request, but keep in mind, if no new good arguments are made and no people get attracted to help out to implement it, it will expire in two years again. We have a nice website that provides all the information needed to contribute, please make use of it. For highlighting improvements our user manual shows how to write syntax definition files. Greetings Christoph
Just would like to leave a comment here, I'm a user of Notepad++-style editor and also use a similar feature a lot, so I proposed a MR to allow user to add such entry to the toolbar if they preferred. See