Version: 0.10.1 (using KDE 3.4.2, Debian Package 4:3.4.2-4 (testing/unstable)) Compiler: Target: i486-linux-gnu OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.12-1-k7 If you change a setting in a remote mldonkey core (say max_hard_upload_rate or anything else), and then press "OK" in the dialog and open it again, the setting appears with the original value. In other words, the mldonkey configuration dialog seems only useful for viewing, not for editing the options.
can't confirm. though, what happened to me once: i forgot to press enter when finished changing the value and instead of this clicked on "OK" straight away. this way the value won't get saved: you _have to_ confirm the change with enter first! please reopen, if you can confirm, that it wasn't that mistake and the error persists with the latest kmldonkey version! thanks, muesli