Bug 112887 - Desktop dependent customised kicker enhancement
Summary: Desktop dependent customised kicker enhancement
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 79531
Alias: None
Product: kicker
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Aaron J. Seigo
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Reported: 2005-09-19 15:43 UTC by Jon Hume
Modified: 2005-09-19 19:09 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Jon Hume 2005-09-19 15:43:47 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.4.2)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs


I think it might be nice to have as an option the ability to configure the kicker/menu bars differently depending on what desktop you're on. 

Whilst I don't think this'd be terribly useful for newbies, I do think that for power users the ability to possibly more effectively organise by desktop might be quite useful, e.g I could set up a desktop that contains a kicker & menus's that's optimised for sysadmin, I could have another one that's set up for coding, another one surfing etc. 

Anyway, just an idea, many thanks for a good product, keep it up :-)

Comment 1 Aaron J. Seigo 2005-09-19 19:09:35 UTC
note that with kicker's design this is nearly impossible.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 79531 ***