Version: 1.0 (using KDE 3.4.0-1.4.3.kde, Fedora) Compiler: gcc version 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.11-1.27_FC3 To send a fax I have to insert a comma in the number after the first zero, in order to get an external line (ie: 0,016123123) This comma (=pause) is accepted when I use the commandline (ie: fax DEV=ttyS0 send 0,016123123 file.txt) In KdeprintFax, using EFax, this comma is shown on the screen, but is not passed to EFax. The log shows - Fax wordt verzonden naar (is send to) 0,016601527 () - ... - Verzendt naar (sending to) fax via: /usr/bin/fax NAME="'andre'" DEV='ttyS0' PAGE='a4' send -l '0016601527' '/tmp/.... - ... - efax: 34:22 dialing T0016601527 And there it ends, with a lot of beeps. André
Indeed, this does not work in current kdeprintfax because non-numeric characters are removed automatically from the fax number.
So, I can not use KdeprintFax? Something for the wish-list?
I'm afraid not. This is a single-line change in the code, but it requires recompilation of kdeprintfax. Yes, it's something for the wish list.
KDEPrint is obsolete, unmaintained and will never be revived. Closing all open bugs.