Version: 1.8.1 (using KDE KDE 3.4.1) Installed from: SuSE RPMs Compiler: gcc 3.3.4 (pre 3.3.5 20040809) OS: Linux Selecting email subjects changes them (also sender, delivery time etc). In my special situation: Only 3 emails (rows) shown but changing the selection from row to row occurs 4 different subjects. Do you want screenshots?
A screenshot would be good as I don't really understand what you're saying.
Hallo, versuche es jetzt mal in Deutsch zu schildern: Photo1 zeigt 4 Mails in meinem IMAP-Spam-Ordner, die erste Nachricht ist ausgew
Ich habe genau das gleiche Problem mit KMail 1.12.2 unter KDE 4.3.2: Wenn ich einen Eintrag in der Liste aller Emails anklicke, ändern sich plötzlich Titel, Datum und Absender der Email. Auch wird in der Vorschau nicht die Email angezeigt, die ich ursprünglich angeklickt habe, sondern die, in die sich der Eintrag "verwandelt" hat. Das Problem tritt nicht mit allen Emails auf, es hängt scheinbar mit dem Ordner zusammen, in dem sich die Emails befinden. In manchen Ordnern ist jede Email betroffen, in manchen ein paar Emails und in anderen Ordnern gar keine.
Please keep comments in English. This is an international bugtracker and not all understand German.
Sorry for that, here my comment in English. I have exactly the same problem with KMail 1.12.2 under KDE 4.3.2: When I select an entry in the list of emails, the title, date and submitter of that email changes suddenly. Also in the preview window, not the email that I clicked on is displayed but instead that one it has "turned into" (same occurs when opening the entry via double click). Additionally when changing to another folder and coming back to the original one, the "transmuted" email is not visible anymore (but it is still existing on the server). The problem does not occur for all emails, it seems to be related to the folders where the emails are located in. In some folders, every mail is affected, in other folders some are affected and in the rest, none is affected.
Still valid?
closing. no response and the bug is about a very old version we no longer maintain