Version: (using KDE KDE 3.4.0) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages the systray icon from kwifimanager isn't transparent and you you gee some "box" around it, if you have any backgound image set on the panel or it's set to transparent.
Hello, this is already fixed in the current SVN version and will be in KDE 3.5. Greetings, Stefan Winter
Wouldn't it be better backporting to 3.4 branch when considering a bug?
Well, I do not consider it being a bug. It is clearly a new feature, i.e. it is something new that wasn't there before. A bug is something that was there, but didn't work as it should. So, trunk (3.5) is the place for this.
There's still the issue of if you have enabled the "numeric signal strength in systray" option you get whites in numbers that have "holes" in them (6, 0, 4 etc). //Erik Andrén
the whites are also around some numbers (e.g. 7) (3.5.1 here). And when the "numeric signal strength in systray" option is disabled, the whole square has grey background ...
Okay, fixed that. The icon is now also transparent when the numbers are not shown.