Version: 0.10 (using KDE 3.4.0, compiled sources) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.4 OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.26 Just as in other comunicators which allows user description status. Please add option which shows with small font user description under his icon eg.: ------------------- (Smile icon) Username It's lovely day... (other icon) Username2 (Smile icon) Username3 I'm working... ------------------------ I'm asking because in GG many users have description info, and GG plugin shows them as online but to read the description one has to float mouse over the username and waaaaaaaaaaaaaait till yellow window appear. If it would be showed one could see all description at once. Thankx and Great Job!!
In the preference, appearence, contactlist, use the detailed view, or the one with photos. You should see away messages.
But now those icons Are HUGEEEE. I mean that it should be normal icon, in username size and under that the description. I can checkt without picture, the icon is smaller then, but the description is still cutted to window size. I think that it would be better if it's wrapped. As in other IM ;) I don't know if there're IM which allow unlimited desc. length, so just in case there should be an option for setting maxlenth. And what's more, the protocol icon should be after username, not after the description. Thankx :D
I've updated Kopete from SVN. And now it's even worse. Protocol icons are noe Huge. If one don't want to see users picture, and a contact has a description the protocol icons are expanding contact box. That's why i suggested that they shoudl be shown Just after Nickname. Maybe You should add option, where those portocols icons should be placed. Oter thing is that If one makes a metacontact from 2 or more contacts user descriptions are colliding, and Kopete shows only one (the last which has changed). So my proposition is - option for choosing location of protocol icons (if located in Nickname line, shoudl be in font size) - option for contacts without picture (if showing picture is checked)-should be showed with small head to save place. - wrapping descpriptions(still undone) and showing them for every contact in metacontact. Thanks for all :]
Apart from the wrapping IMHO other thing are implemented in trunk (SVN commit 946606) and will be in KDE 4.3
Dear user, unfortunately Kopete is no longer maintained. Please migrate to another solution, e.g. for Jabber a possibility is Kaidan, for Matrix a candidate is NeoChat.