Version: 1.3.5 (using KDE KDE 3.3.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages OS: Linux KWord: Opmaak - Lettertype... Dialoogvenster Lettertype selecteren: Keuzelijst Tekenstijl Onvertaalde/halfvertaalde strings: Bold Cursief Light Light Cursief Light Italic Black Cursief Demi Bold Demi Bold Italic Demi Bold Cursief
If my Dutch isn't that rusty, you're reporting that those strings are untranslated or half-translated.
The translations being missing is due to the fact that they are not specified in the source. Reassinging to kdelibs. The kfontdialog has a styleListBox where only 4 combinations of bold/italic etc are translated. Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic The rest is thus never correctly translated. The correct solution is to split the style into seperate words and translate each one individually.
Is this still relevant to recent KDE version? If not please close the bug. Thanks, Lex.
Checked this issue with Kubuntu 10.10 (kde 4.6.2), in kfontdialog I find no untranslated strings any more.
It only translates Regular, Italic, Oblique, Bold, Bold Italic. Other strings, such as Light, Demi Bold, Black, and combinations with Oblique/Italic, are not translatable.
Actually, those translations are provided by Qt. If they are not correct, please report directly to Qt developers at Nokia via
Running recent master in locale x-test I see these only translated Font styles in the Select Font window, among them: AirCut xxLightxx + xxxxLightxx xxObliquexxxx Endless Showroom xxBlackxx + xxxxBlackxx xxObliquexxxx Larabiefont xxxxBoldxx xxObliquexxxx LMRomanDemi10 xxxxDemi Boldxxxx + xxDemi Boldxx xxObliquexxxx (In reply to comment #6) > Actually, those translations are provided by Qt. I doubt that: $ wcgrep -B3 xxLightxx l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/ l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4854-#: gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp:125 gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp:1441 l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4855-msgctxt "QFontDatabase" l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4856-msgid "Light" l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po:4857:msgstr "xxLightxx" $ wcgrep -B3 xxBlackxx l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/ l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4844-#: gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp:1435 l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4845-msgctxt "QFontDatabase" l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4846-msgid "Black" l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po:4847:msgstr "xxBlackxx" $ wcgrep -B3 'xxDemi Boldxx' l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/ l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4838-#: gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp:108 gui/text/qfontdatabase.cpp:1439 l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4839-msgctxt "QFontDatabase" l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po-4840-msgid "Demi Bold" l10n-kde4/x-test/messages/qt/kdeqt.po:4841:msgstr "xxDemi Boldxx" kdeqt is incuded in kde's i18n workflow.
Okey, probably needs further work in KDE.
(In reply to Christoph Feck from comment #8) > Okey, probably needs further work in KDE. Is this still an issue?
Dear Bug Submitter, This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: If you have already provided the requested information, please mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is ready to be confirmed. Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!