Bug 102819 - Automatic Contact List Ordering
Summary: Automatic Contact List Ordering
Alias: None
Product: kopete
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Contact list (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Slackware Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kopete Developers
: 102820 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2005-03-30 07:22 UTC by Shawn Sharpe
Modified: 2009-03-30 10:31 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Shawn Sharpe 2005-03-30 07:22:47 UTC
Version:           .10 (using KDE KDE 3.4.0)
Installed from:    Slackware Packages
OS:                Linux

I would like an option to have Away contacts put at the buttom of the list and Online at the top (When not showing Offline contacts) When the person goes away they should automatically be put lower in the list. They should still be ordered alphabetically though just separately.
Comment 1 Olivier Goffart 2005-03-30 10:31:32 UTC
How is that different from the current behavour ?
Comment 2 Olivier Goffart 2005-03-30 10:31:58 UTC
*** Bug 102820 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Shawn Sharpe 2005-03-30 17:21:15 UTC
I don't know how it's different, I guess the current behavior doesn't work for me or I just can't find the option to set it.
Comment 4 Dan Doel 2005-03-30 22:59:53 UTC
The current behavior sorts:

1) By group
2) By status (online, away, offline)
3) Alphabetically

You can also turn off the sorting by group, so that your contacts are only grouped by status and sub-sorted alphabetically.

The only other way of sorting I can think of is to first group by status, and then by group, so that you'd have an entry for "Online -> Friends" and lower down you'd have an entry for "Away -> Friends." Is this what you're describing?

Otherwise, your contact list should be sorted just as you describe...
Comment 5 Roman Jarosz 2009-03-30 10:31:43 UTC
The top group isn't sorted correctly so maybe this is what you describe anyway
this is fixed in trunk (SVN commit 946606) will be in KDE 4.3, If it's not what you meant, please reopen.