Version: (using KDE KDE 3.3.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages Files that have been tagged using the MusicBrainz tagger application contain ID3v2 tags like these: TXXX (User defined text information): (MusicBrainz TRM Id): 3d522512-7da9-403a-af58-8546a536ad42 TXXX (User defined text information): (MusicBrainz Artist Id): e20747e7-55a4-452e-8766-7b985585082d TXXX (User defined text information): (MusicBrainz Album Id): 8b35393d-5dd8-4c08-9d1b-e5c12c9f02c3 TXXX (User defined text information): (MusicBrainz Album Type): live TXXX (User defined text information): (MusicBrainz Album Status): official TXXX (User defined text information): (MusicBrainz Album Artist Id): The fields "TRM Id", "Artist Id", and/or "Album Id" could be used when a track is looked up in MusicBrainz. The fields "Album Type" ("album", "compilation", "soundtrack", "live" etc.) and "Album Status" ("official" or "bootleg") could be displayed in the user interface, perhaps in the "current track" tab in the list of albums by the current artist, next to the release year.
*** Bug 122281 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
This is definitly missing. I definitly dont know why we should do a search in musicbrainz, when we could use the information in files. I have such stuff in my ogg files MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID=788ad31c-bf0c-4a31-83f8-b8b130d79c76 MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTSORTNAME=Apocalyptica MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID=8a5d02a5-669a-4608-b817-981b3e4443b1 MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMSTATUS=official MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMTYPE=album MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID=788ad31c-bf0c-4a31-83f8-b8b130d79c76 MUSICBRAINZ_NONALBUM=0 MUSICBRAINZ_SORTNAME=Apocalyptica MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID=4c9d2fb2-2727-408e-88ef-39a66145bd3f MUSICBRAINZ_VARIOUSARTISTS=0 MUSICIP_PUID=153c82dc-62eb-03d6-12db-73db8d2b238c (and of course picard also creates such thing for mp3 as the creator of the bug said). A lookup for the track would create following url: album: artist: -------- And of course the specification under says "If a MusicBrainz ID is present in the file (as defined here), then you should send it. So your line for submition of the id would no longer look like "&m[" + count + "]=" + but more like "&m[" + count + "]=" + KURL::encode_string_no_slash( itemFromQueue->mbtrackid(), 106 /*utf-8*/ ) +
Amarok 2 doesn't use Musicbrainz anymore, we are worinkg on a fingerprinting solution