Bug 289256

Summary: When an error occurs during session verification, the FB export dialog ends up in an unusable state
Product: [Applications] digikam Reporter: Dirk Tilger <dirk.kde>
Component: Plugin-WebService-FacebookAssignee: Digikam Developers <digikam-bugs-null>
Severity: minor CC: caulier.gilles, shouryasgupta
Priority: NOR    
Version: unspecified   
Target Milestone: ---   
Platform: Gentoo Packages   
OS: Linux   
Latest Commit: Version Fixed In: 4.12.0
Sentry Crash Report:

Description Dirk Tilger 2011-12-18 07:46:03 UTC
Version:           unspecified (using Devel) 
OS:                Linux

When an error occurs during session verification, the FB export dialog ends up in an unusable state.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Block https (I guess). Start digikam. Open a previously authenticated Facebook exporter.

Actual Results:  
The window ends up in a state the requires a logout from the Facebook session to continue.

Expected Results:  
If session verification fails and I close the window and reopen it, it should be behave as if the session never had been verified.

digikam(31049)/KIPI (loading) KIPIPlugins::KPAboutData::KPAboutData: 0x13546c6d5a
digikam(31049)/KIPI (general) KIPIFacebookPlugin::FbWindow::FbWindow: Calling Login method
digikam(31049)/KIPI (general) KIPIFacebookPlugin::FbWindow::authenticate: Calling Login method
digikam(31049)/KIPI (general) KIPIFacebookPlugin::FbTalker::getCallString: CALL:  "access_token=bla bla bla"
digikam(31049)/kio (Scheduler) KIO::SchedulerPrivate::doJob: KIO::SimpleJob(0x135460fe10)
digikam(31049)/kio (Scheduler) KIO::SchedulerPrivate::protoQ: creating ProtoQueue instance for "https"
digikam(31049)/kio (Scheduler) KIO::ProtoQueue::ProtoQueue: m_maxConnectionsTotal: 20 m_maxConnectionsPerHost: 5
digikam(31049)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::createSlave: createSlave "https" for KUrl("https://api.facebook.com/method/users.getLoggedInUser")
digikam(31049)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on  "local:/tmp/ksocket-dirk/digikaml31049.slave-socket"
[GUI] Refreshing icon and submission status menu
klauncher(5839)/kio (KLauncher) KLauncher::requestSlave: KLauncher: launching new slave  "kio_http"  with protocol= "https"  args= ("https", "local:/tmp/ksocket-dirk/klauncherMT5839.slave-socket", "local:/tmp/ksocket-dirk/digikaml31049.slave-socket")
klauncher(5839)/kio (KLauncher) KLauncher::processRequestReturn: "kio_http" (pid 512) up and running.
kio_http(512)/kio_http_debug HTTPProtocol::reparseConfiguration:
digikam(31049)/KIPI (general) KIPIPlugins::ImagesListViewItem::setThumb: Received new thumbnail for url  KUrl("file:///home/dirk/Pictures/2011/DSC_0307.jpg") . My view is  KIPIPlugins::ImagesListView(0x135427fa70)
digikam(31049)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::timeout: slave failed to connect to application pid= 512  protocol= "https"
digikam(31049)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::timeout: slave is slow... pid= 512  t= 13
digikam(31049)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::timeout: Houston, we lost our slave, pid= 512
digikam(31049)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::timeout: slave died pid =  512
digikam(31049)/kio (KIOJob) KIO::TransferJob::slotFinished: KUrl("https://api.facebook.com/method/users.getLoggedInUser")
Comment 1 Dirk Tilger 2011-12-18 07:47:07 UTC
Assigning to myself for now, as this is a quick shot to fix and I can do it myself.
Comment 2 caulier.gilles 2015-05-19 11:33:00 UTC

What's new about this file ?

Gilles Caulier
Comment 3 Shourya Singh Gupta 2015-07-21 10:38:07 UTC
Git commit 946a4ed104c954f532efc27061a740b9904e317d by Shourya Singh Gupta.
Committed on 21/07/2015 at 10:37.
Pushed by shouryasinghgupta into branch 'master'.

Facebook up and running now
Related: bug 319252, bug 240254, bug 347194
FIXED-IN: 4.12.0

A  +638  -0    0001-Testing-Youtube-integration.patch
M  +4    -1    facebook/fbwindow.cpp

Comment 4 Shourya Singh Gupta 2015-07-21 10:43:02 UTC
Unwanted file 0001-Testing-Youtube-integration.patch that got added in this commit was removed in the next commit.