Bug 193966

Summary: empty history in konqueror
Product: [Applications] konqueror Reporter: ash <narutoplasma14>
Component: generalAssignee: Konqueror Developers <konq-bugs>
Severity: normal CC: andresbajotierra, bill, bugzilla, christiandehne, david.goller, dglent, echidnaman, eschmit, faure, Heinrich20, hfischer, korossy, le.petit.fou, mzanetti, nightowl, p.r.worrall, squan, sts, Usenetmail.Christine, vornne
Priority: NOR    
Version: unspecified   
Target Milestone: ---   
Platform: unspecified   
OS: Linux   
Latest Commit: Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:
Attachments: Temporary patch

Description ash 2009-05-25 01:28:42 UTC
Version:           4.2.85 (using KDE 4.2.85)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Unlisted Binary Package

history tree in the side panel remains empty at all times

worked ok up to konqueror 4.2.2 at least
Comment 1 Pino Toscano 2009-05-25 01:30:40 UTC
The history panel is no more existing. Most probably you have stale module lying in the KDE installation.
Comment 2 Christian Trippe 2009-05-31 12:43:03 UTC
I have the same problem here using openSUSE packages. bug 194726 is probably a duplicate of this one.
Comment 3 squan 2009-06-01 22:00:15 UTC
*** Bug 194726 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Pal Körössy 2009-07-09 22:48:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> The history panel is no more existing. Most probably you have stale module
> lying in the KDE installation.

Do you mean 'Navigation panel' on the left side of the Konqueror window, that can be activated with F9, and contains History, Bookmark, Home folder, Network ...etc. tabs? 
That panel still exists and the bug is present on three of my machines with a fresh install of OpenSUSE 11.1 and KDE 4.3.
Comment 5 Dario Andres 2009-07-15 02:57:53 UTC
*** Bug 199753 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Dario Andres 2009-07-15 02:57:59 UTC
*** Bug 200258 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Helga Fischer 2009-07-24 19:10:56 UTC
This bug still exists in Version 4.2.98 (KDE 4.2.98 (KDE 4.3 RC3)) "release 147" under openSUSE 10.3 rpms.

It seems, that people don't miss the history-function. I found out, that the KDE-team plans to erase the history-function. I'm using history-function for researching complex subjects in the internet. Bookmarking all that isn't necessary.

History no is a own window. This is very inconvenient. It would be very fine to integrate the history again in the panel like in konqueror3. It works fine and I don't see any necessity to change this behaviour.

As great fan of konqueror I don't wan't to change my favorite browser.

Comment 8 Patrick Shanahan 2009-07-24 20:08:11 UTC
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Comment 9 Christine Bona 2009-07-24 20:14:05 UTC
I have updated my KDE-version to 4.2.98 (KDE 4.2.98 (KDE 4.3 RC3)) "release 147" (openSuSE 11.1) but konqueror-history is not really available yet. Using Strg+H (hotkey) or menue entry "goto->History" shows up a window which correctly points to history-entries but these items do *not* lead to visited webpages! These entries are *no links* as it seems to me, just a kind of list. Konqueror does not react in any way.
The following page shows that things about browser-history is still work-in-progress
but I wonder which result is intended and if it will turn out well.
Comment 10 Helga Fischer 2009-07-24 20:53:29 UTC
Yes, find that list. But it don't explain to me, what is the future of konqueror's history. Now it is an empty sidebar and I cannot use it. Other functions of the sidebar are still alive.

I planned to use more and more kde4 applications, specially konqueror, but this missing history isn't reasonable. Now using konqueror3 again, even though konqueror4 will be the better browser (Sorry to my old konqueror3).
Comment 11 Christine Bona 2009-07-24 21:25:13 UTC
At the moment konqueror-browser-history is completely unusable on my system. This new history-window (Strg+H) shows the history. That's all. I cannot get a webpage this way, by using this history-list in this "pop-up-window" :-(
The schedules-plan on the techbase page only gives some hints/headwords of what may be planned for the future ("improved, different grouping style, sorting, etc"). I haven't found a detailed description which intentions the developers may have. Possibly something similar to Firefox(3.5.1)-history.
Comment 12 Jonathan Thomas 2009-07-25 02:04:08 UTC
*** Bug 201376 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 David Goller 2009-08-04 22:59:31 UTC
*** Bug 201040 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Steven Schwartfeger 2009-08-11 16:56:42 UTC
Just to let the developers know, I have been using the history sidebar very often over the years of using konqueror; I would probably use it more than the back and forward buttons, url bar, bookmarks... probably more than just about any other part of the gui.

I was disappointed to upgrade from 4.2.4 to 4.3.0 and find it missing; if it is ugly old code that nobody wants to mess with, I guess it has to go; but it would be really great if it was added back until at least there was some sort of alternative (preferably similar, I don't like the separate dialog firefox way).

I don't mind compiling it back in by hand myself, unless it's ridiculously complicated; does anyone know off the top of their head how hard it is to add back in?

Hope I don't come across too whiny - thank you for the hard work you put in.
Comment 15 Steven Schwartfeger 2009-08-13 14:54:39 UTC
Created attachment 36132 [details]
Temporary patch

I tweaked the source so the plugin is compiled again for my own use; posting  it here in case anyone else wants the history sidebar back and doesn't mind a bit of compiling. I use gentoo so all the development headers and so on were already installed; users of other distributions might need to install some -dev packages, and then these commands should build it:

tar -xjvf kdebase-4.3.0.tar.bz2
cd kdebase-4.3.0
patch -p0 < Add-back-konqueror-history-sidebar.patch
cmake .
make konq_sidebartree_history
cp lib/konq_sidebartree_history.so ~/.kde4/lib64/kde4/

Note that the file needs to be copied into "~/.kde/ (lib | lib64) /kde4" for each user, or else installed in the system location ("slocate konq_sidebartree_history.so"). The patch also applies fine to svn trunk revision 1010780.
Comment 16 William Haller 2009-08-13 17:44:00 UTC
I'll add my vote that dropping the history in 4.3 was a mistake. Even if the popup window in go->show history had links that could be clicked it wouldn't be as nice as the sidebar. Having a list of pages in the history that can't be clicked on is not a particularly useful feature. It may be better than nothing, but just.
Comment 17 Christine Bona 2009-08-15 07:17:27 UTC
You may choose an entry in the history-window (GoTo->History) and than use the 
context menu->new Window. This procedure will open the webpage from the history list in a new window. This behaviour is not as intuitive as clicking the link, but it works.
Comment 18 Helga Fischer 2009-08-15 09:48:35 UTC
This is not a good replacement. The browserhistory should be part of the browser windows. A standalone windows disappears, you have to search it between other windows, it is always not there you will use it. I don's understand the usability of a standalone window.

Why not give the decision to the user? Other sidebars (quanta documentation, filebrowser for example) could be a standalone window oder docked at the main windows of the application. This simple feature should be part of the qt-library.
Comment 19 Christine Bona 2009-08-15 10:19:46 UTC
I agree!!!
But *at the moment* this method is better than nothing.
I always thought there was no way to get a page out of the history-window and was surprised beeing pointed to that context menue behaviour. I never imagined that. It was completely out of my mind.
I think the whole browser history feature is not ready right now.
Comment 20 Helga Fischer 2009-08-15 12:17:37 UTC
My solution: Using konqueror3 and KDE3 and some KDE4-applications like choqok.
Comment 21 Tanja Schulte 2009-08-23 17:17:00 UTC
This popup is not very comfortable. I fixated it at the right side of the screen in a fixed display height size, that's acceptable. But it is not acceptable that you cannot open links with middle click in a new tab, that you are forced to open them in a new window and so clutter you desktop with windows all over it. i really don't see any use for a separate history window, the sidebar was perfect, please bring it back. Also not acceptable is that there is no horizontal scrollbar. I cannot distinguish the entries from most forums (and that'S what I need the history mainly for) because the all begin with the same long forum name and the important rest isn't visible without scrollbar.
Comment 22 Dimitrios Glentadakis 2009-08-26 20:19:31 UTC
konqueror-4.3.0-1mdv2010.0 without history in konqueror too
Comment 23 Dario Andres 2009-08-28 21:40:09 UTC
Fixed at bug 205521. Thanks

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 205521 ***
Comment 24 Steven Schwartfeger 2009-08-29 04:30:23 UTC
No hard feelings, I will just maintain patched plugins for my own systems until I'm happy with the supplied functionality; having said that...

I think it is a mistake to remove working old functionality for no other reason than there is a half implemented newer way to do it; why not just keep both variants working (sidebar and separate window) until the new is at least as good as the old? It wasn't hard at all for me to make it work with the current version, and I've never worked on kde before.

It also seems to go against the overall design of konqueror, part of which I see as one "application" or "window" that can combine many different functions. I dislike separate windows floating around, and konqueror allows me to have one maximised window split into panes and tabs replacing most of the applications I would have open at one time; you might think that is a bad way to do it, but the fact remains that I have enjoyed using it for years this way. There can be times when old functionality that is not wanted by any of the developers should be dropped because it's too much to maintain, but is it really that hard in this situation?

Possibly this is part of a "slimming down configuration options" effort to remove a common criticism of kde that there are too many configuration options? If so, it might please some users, but at the same time users like myself will be disappointed; I certainly prefer too many options rather than too few.
Comment 25 Dimitrios Glentadakis 2009-08-29 08:34:16 UTC
In the separate window the only action that i can do is right click and open in new window. Is this normal ? 
Me too i prefere the side panel for the history. :)
Comment 26 Janet 2009-09-12 23:48:30 UTC
The sidebar is the perfect place for the history. In an own window it's always in the way or at a wrong inconvenient place or covered or too big/too small, you have to resize it all the time because it doesn't have a horizontal scrollbar - just not handy... Bug 206155 is a nice proposal. But I really don't care so much about the look as long as it is back in the sidebar.
Comment 27 Mario 2009-10-07 12:09:16 UTC
I don't understand the meaning of 'STATUS: Resoved'.
I have update to kde 4.3.2, but the bug is always there.
Comment 28 ash 2009-10-11 19:50:51 UTC
i tried to change this bug to reopened. lets see if this helps
Comment 29 Dario Andres 2009-10-11 19:53:22 UTC
I explained this to Mario personally: 
The bug is marked as " "RESOLVED" as "DUPLICATE" " . (""RESOLVED" as
"FIXED"" would be another kind of resolution)
The bug was marked as duplicate of bug

And as bug 206155 is "proposed new history panel" I think they should be linked...
Comment 30 David Faure 2009-11-14 03:35:32 UTC
As bug 205521 says:

SVN commit 1042654 by dfaure:

The sidebar history module is back.

=> Fixed for 4.4.0
Comment 31 Tobias Roeser 2009-11-16 08:48:53 UTC
This is very good news. Many thanks.
Comment 32 Helga Fischer 2009-11-16 23:21:37 UTC
This is a wonderful message for all, which wish the history back. Still waiting for my rpm packets for my opensuse.
Comment 33 Christine Bona 2009-11-17 00:32:44 UTC
Thanks! Great good news!
Comment 34 Martin L ü c h e m 2009-12-23 07:58:20 UTC
This was one more example of erasing functionality in KDE4 with no good reason. Why do you do that? :-( The history windows itself does not work as it should. No way to open the site in the existing tab or a new tab and so on...

Thank you a lot for the redesign! :-) Where do I get the patch from?

Happy Christmas!
Comment 35 Dario Andres 2009-12-23 12:52:49 UTC
@Martin: about the other issue, you need to create a new bug report (one report per issue). About the patch, you can fetch the changes at http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1042654
Comment 36 squan 2009-12-23 16:20:34 UTC
@Comment #
> The sidebar history module is back.
> => Fixed for 4.4.0
I updated to KDE 4.4beta2 and the sidebar history is _not_ back.
It's just empty.
Comment 37 David Faure 2009-12-23 20:48:32 UTC
Ouch, that would be a migration bug.
Please check
1) that konqueror is indeed 4.4 beta 2, in its about dialog
2) whether you have a ~/.kde/share/apps/konqsidebartng/entries/history.desktop,
which would hide /usr/share/apps/konqsidebartng/entries/history.desktop (which you have, right?)
(adjust ~/.kde and /usr if your $KDEHOME and kde install prefix differ)
If you have the ~/.kde file, please move it away (keep a copy so I can get it later), and check if it helps.
Comment 38 squan 2009-12-23 22:50:11 UTC
> Ouch, that would be a migration bug.
My update was from 4.4beta1 to 4.4beta2.
I'm not sure what kind of migration should be triggered here.

> Please check
> 1) that konqueror is indeed 4.4 beta 2, in its about dialog
Version 4.3.85 (KDE 4.3.85 (KDE 4.4 Beta2)) "release 3"
2) whether you have a 
> ~/.kde/share/apps/konqsidebartng/entries/history.desktop,
Found it under ~/.kde4 (I have opensuse which may be a bit different here)
> which would hide /usr/share/apps/konqsidebartng/entries/history.desktop
> (which you have, right?)
Found it under 
> (adjust ~/.kde and /usr if your $KDEHOME and kde install prefix differ)
KDEHOME is not set, possibly another opensuse speciality.

> If you have the ~/.kde file, please move it away
> (keep a copy so I can get it later), and check if it helps.
Did so and good old sidebar history is back and fully functional.
I would be very glad now if there wasn't bug 218047.

How can this history config file be automatically fixed?
Is this migration problem special to opensuse?

Thanks, Stefan
Comment 39 David Faure 2009-12-24 01:44:10 UTC
SVN commit 1065660 by dfaure:

Fix migration issue, a local "history.desktop" file from kde <= 4.2 would prevent the new history module from showing up.
Thanks to squan at web.de for testing the beta and discovering this before 4.4 final is released :-)
CCBUG: 193966

 M  +8 -0      module_manager.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1065660
Comment 40 David Faure 2009-12-24 01:47:16 UTC
(In reply to comment #34)
> Thank you a lot for the redesign! :-) Where do I get the patch from?

You can't simply apply a patch in this case, since it's a large redesign. But you can upgrade to 4.4 beta 2, which has the feature.