Version: 1.2-beta3 (using KDE 3.3.2, (3.1)) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-6ubuntu1) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.10-3-k7-smp Bonjour, quand je demande le telechargement des jaquettes des albums que j'ai encode, il me sort qq pochette mais principalement des noms d'oeuvres similaires d'un point de vu 'soundex' mais ne correspondant pas au produit. par exemple : Air - 10 000 Hz Legend est devenu Shonen jump 2005-v1 cassius - 1999 est devenu nathalie sarraute - enfance peter gabriel - 4 est devenu un harry potter every thing but the girl - amplified heart est devenu Tsukasa Hojo - Angel Heart vol 5 Amos Tobin - Bricolage est devenu "l'instalation electrique comme un pro" je vous epargne certains morceaux d'anthologie avec du led zeppelin, du garbage, Megasoft office, ministry, et les quelques 600 autres albums ...
Basically to summarize he is saying: When I fetch album covers with amazon for albums I have encoded, it fetches some covers but mainly ones which are similar from a "soundex" perspective but which don't really match. By soundex he is probably referring to the soundex string comparison algorythm. After that are examples of what happened. Where X got the cover for Y (his usage is X became Y). Air 10'000Hz Legend became Shonen jump 2005v1 etc... My own interpretation would be that it has nothing to do with amaroK because I am sure you just forward the search string to amazon and if he were to manually type that info in amazon it would give the same result. I however haven't tried. If you need me to translate your response back to him just remind me in the channel with a link back here.
hi, to have this non-bug as you well named it, I just clicked on "tools" -> "gestionnaire de jacquettes" ( first link ) and do "download" ( this big button on the window's top-right ) so, this "feature" is quite anoying if I need to change all these pictures with my little hands ( for actually 612 wrong pictures found, 5 good pictures found and 303 not found ). When a facility is active, the users ( like me ) mostly wait this facility works correctly, or wait that feature-non-bug-stuff is marked as highly experimental. I installed amaroK because some of my friends told me that is a good software. I am satisfied of amaroK, and I wished to try to discover amaroK. I will continue just to use only the player. sorry about this non bug report, Samuel.
Alright I guess we can close this, since it's possible to choose between multiple cover search results in 1.2-final. Seems to me that this is what he wants.
hi, yes, you can close this it_is_not_a_bug_but_it_is_a_feature thing. just for your information, on the website of and ( website used for the search in YOUR software ), the strings : Air 10 000 Hz Legend cassius 1999 everything but the girl amplified heart peter grabriel 4 amos tobin bricolage match exactly the good album for the first hit with the form on the homepage. there is no problem, is it ? a remark about the comment #1, amaroK handles only music stuff, isn't it ? so why for my 4 examples nobody notes that amaroK gave me books covers ? I don't know, I am just a luser, and as luser, amaroK don't work correctly on my computer ( I am a nice luser I didn't say amaroK don't work at all everywhere ;) ). I will wait for the release of the integration of 1.2 version in the ubuntu repository because as you say "it is possible to choose between multiple cover search result", and I am happy to know I need to click actually for 921 covers to correct my actual database, or do I need to scan 921 covers ? it is user friendly to click on 921 covers after 921 checks of more than 921 pictures. a last thing for fun, if I search just "100th window" I can find the good cover as the first hit on amazon.{fr,com} where amaroK couldn't find any. Samuel.
three of the above named albums work fine here. although, i dont use the amazon fr locale. you should consider that, too... seems to return crap all the time. pick international and be happy. ...muesli
hi, I (want to) apologize to you ( every one ), about some kind of misunderstanding. few minuts ago, I read some comments elsewhere I had spoken about this bug ( and some other stuffs ), and I understood what does mean the babel's tower's syndroma in the case of the free software. "amicalement" ( friendly ? ), Samuel.
Samuel, si t'es encore là. AmaroK utilise l'information continue dans tes id3 tags pour fair la recherche. Serait-il possible que tes tags no contiennent pas exactement ce qu'ils devraient, et que cela soit la raison pour les mauvaises résultats ? Sinon essaye 1.2 final et dis moi si cela s'améliore. amicalement (il n'y a pas d'équivalent anglophone pour amicalement), JPD
coucou JPD & les gens, disons qu'au debut, j'encodais avec grip+oggenc a la queue-leu-leu. apres quelques CD, j'ai remarque que les IDTags retournes par les bases CDDB et CDDB-like etaient erronnees pour une grande quantite de disque. j'ai donc corrige cela a la main. tout cela pour dire, que les IDTags me semblent etre les bons, sauf pour certains albums ( ~90 ) ou l'annee n'est pas la bonne. par contre, dans ces 90 albums, ~50 ont leur pochettes. restes donc ~70 albums corrects et introuvables :| je viens de recuperer la nouvelle version dans les depots Ubuntu ... la recherche marche beaucoup mieux :) ... je dois me debrouiller avec une petite centaine a la main, mais cela me semble plus jouable. merci pour tout. amicalement, Samuel. PS: je vais verifier si certains bugs persistent ... par contre, j'avais un bug aleatoire ou amaroK plantait durant la lecture, comment gagner du temps pour le rapport en evitant de joindre des Go de logs ?
Samuel, Si tu peux lire l'anglais, vas ici: Cela t'expliquera comment déboguer amaroK. Aussi il y a souvent des francophones dans #amaroK / Bonne chance, JPD