Bug 97599 - Uncontrolled scrolling in large class diagram
Summary: Uncontrolled scrolling in large class diagram
Alias: None
Product: umbrello
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.3.2
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Umbrello Development Group
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Reported: 2005-01-21 15:32 UTC by Tony Pott
Modified: 2005-05-16 10:27 UTC (History)
0 users

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Pretty much random class diagram XMI which can be made to display behaviour in question (46.09 KB, text/zipped)
2005-01-27 12:47 UTC, Tony Pott

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Description Tony Pott 2005-01-21 15:32:31 UTC
Version:           1.3.2 (using KDE KDE 3.2.1)
Installed from:    I Don't Know
OS:                Linux

In a larger class diagram (not huge!), when attempting to move drawing elements, window scrolled fast resulting in item to be move being dragged outwards from the origin a great distance.
Comment 1 Tony Pott 2005-01-21 15:33:47 UTC
Makes application unusable.
Comment 2 Jonathan Riddell 2005-01-27 12:12:13 UTC
Could you provide an example diagram XMI file and scenario where this happens.  The scroll speed works fine for me but it is not really controlled so it may be dependant on your computer environment.
Comment 3 Tony Pott 2005-01-27 12:47:42 UTC
Created attachment 9308 [details]
Pretty much random class diagram XMI which can be made to display behaviour in question

Zoom out so that the blue zoom bar rests with its bottom edge exactly on the
4th stadium from the bottom of the zoom slider. Find the class called
Move the scroll bars so that this class appears on the far right of the screen.

Drag it to the left side of the screen.
Comment 4 Tony Pott 2005-01-27 12:50:44 UTC
It also seems to depend on zoom

I've just sent a zip (attachment #9308 [details], a zipped xmi file. 
Open this.

Zoom out so that the blue zoom bar rests with its bottom edge exactly on the 4th stadium from the bottom of the zoom slider. Find the class called 'drag_left'
Move the scroll bars so that this class appears on the far right of the screen (it was also in the middle of the top 1/2 when I tested it).
Drag it to the left side of the screen.

If nothing untoward happens, this is just my problem:)

Comment 5 Oliver Kellogg 2005-01-28 19:16:03 UTC
Well, after looking at your attachment I do see that the scrolling behavior could use some improvement. So if you can come up with an idea how to improve the scrolling then I'll be happy to commit it :-)
Comment 6 Jonathan Riddell 2005-02-13 21:47:58 UTC
Trying with the attached diagram I can see that there are problems scrolling when zoomed in or out that you don't get when zoom is at 1:1.  Sometimes it scrolls too fast and sometimes not at all.  Probably the usual coordinate issues.
Comment 7 Oliver Kellogg 2005-04-04 19:33:14 UTC
> Trying with the attached diagram I can see that there are problems [...]

I believe it's confirmed then?
Comment 8 Oliver Kellogg 2005-04-20 20:02:33 UTC
Could you try again with cvs HEAD or KDE_3_4_BRANCH.
I have the impression that the fix of http://bugs.kde.org/89691
has alleviated this problem, can you confirm?
Comment 9 Jonathan Riddell 2005-05-15 15:58:34 UTC
Works for me now.
Comment 10 Tony Pott 2005-05-16 10:27:28 UTC
Thanks: sorry I couldn't try it out: the southbridge on the moboo in my Linux box started to smoke, and I've only just managed to rebuild it.