Version: 1.5 Beta (using KDE 3.3.91 (beta1), compiled sources) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.5 (PLD Linux) OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.11-rc1 konsole won't let me change 'window' in irssi (irc client) running in it, cos alt+[digit] switches shell's. It's not configurable, and it's bad. Please consider using different shortcut, or allow me to configure it, so I can use for instance ctrl+alt+[digit] or whateverelse+[digit], or just switch it off. Thanks.
Are you sure it isn't configurable? The actions seem to be there. Besides, I've been using irssi in Konsole for years with Alt+[digit]. HEAD 20050104
I have todays head, and obviously something has changed, as on old snap I had no this problem. Yes, I am using irssi on konsole for ages too, that's why I am pissed now that it doesn't work as expected.
Alt+[digit] is neither default for switching consoles nor is it not configurable.
Stephan Binner wrote: > Alt+[digit] is neither default for switching consoles nor is it not configurable. How invalid, if I do expierence it on my desktop ?????????????????? maybe this is my second distro, PLD, default. God knows. I'll try to investigate. Nevertheless this ain't invalid!
GJ, check for kdelibs updates. There was a bug in KAccelMananager that should be now fixed that may be related
Maksim Orlovich wrote: > GJ, check for kdelibs updates. There was a bug in KAccelMananager that should be now fixed that may be related That might be this, but I've just updated kdelibs, and this ain't changed. kdebase will be compiled in a minute, and I'll see.
unfortunately after update of kdebase/kdelibs I still get all folds(es?) caption with one latter/digit underscored, which means basicaly that I still have that problem. Should I do complete-from-scratch kde{libs,base} recompilation ? Shouldn't be necessary.
Ah, you're using HEAD now. Please file another report when starting with a new bug which differs from your initial reported one and KDE version rather than starting it with a comment somewhere in-between. > I still get all folds(es?) caption with one latter/digit underscored This madness can be turned off with "[Development] AutoCheckAccelerators=false" in $KDEHOME/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals.
Stephan Binner wrote: > Ah, you're using HEAD now. Please file another report when starting with a new bug which differs from your initial reported one and KDE version rather than starting it with a comment somewhere in-between. I am always using HEAD, to be able to do stuff in KDE. This bug report was ok, you can always change version to HEAD. > > >>I still get all folds(es?) caption with one latter/digit underscored > > > This madness can be turned off with "[Development] AutoCheckAccelerators=false" in $KDEHOME/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals. That have fixed it.