Version: 0.7.1 (using KDE 3.3.2-1.3.2.kde, Fedora Core release 2 (Tettnang)) Compiler: gcc version 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.7-1.494.2.2 To reproduce: 1. Select "My Albums" in top left of navigation panel. 2. Click "Add Images" from toolbar. Add some images. What happens: - Images are copied to your picture directory, but can't be seen in digikam What should happen: digikam should either: * If "Add Images" is clicked when there is no album chosen, it should pop up a window giving you a choice of which album to add to. * Refuse to do it (lazier option coding-wise!) Otherwise it's just confusing - where did the images go? Especially for a first time user, who doesn't realise that you have to create an album, or after creating it doesn't realise that you have to select it.
CVS commit by jahrens: BUG: 96941 M +26 -7 digikamapp.cpp 1.81 M +1 -1 digikamapp.h 1.30 --- kdeextragear-3/digikam/digikam/digikamapp.cpp #1.80:1.81 @@ -591,14 +590,34 @@ void DigikamApp::slotAboutToShowForwardM void DigikamApp::slot_albumSelected(bool val) { + Album *album = mAlbumManager->currentAlbum(); + if(album && !album->isRoot()) + { mDeleteAction->setEnabled(val); mAddImagesAction->setEnabled(val); mPropsEditAction->setEnabled(val); mOpenInKonquiAction->setEnabled(val); + } + else + { + mDeleteAction->setEnabled(false); + mAddImagesAction->setEnabled(false); + mPropsEditAction->setEnabled(false); + mOpenInKonquiAction->setEnabled(false); + } } void DigikamApp::slot_tagSelected(bool val) { + Album *album = mAlbumManager->currentAlbum(); + if(album && !album->isRoot()) + { mDeleteTagAction->setEnabled(val); mEditTagAction->setEnabled(val); + } + else + { + mDeleteTagAction->setEnabled(false); + mEditTagAction->setEnabled(false); + } }